赢 Stroke Order
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Information of 赢
17 strokes
to beat / to win / to profit
赢 yíng1. 有余利,获利。 (To have surplus, to gain profits.)2. 赌博或比赛获胜。 (To win in gambling or competitions.)3. 担负。 (To bear or carry.)---赢 yíng1. 有余利,获利:~利。~余(盈余)。 (To have surplus, to gain profits: e.g., profit, surplus.)2. 赌博或比赛获胜:赌输~。 (To win in gambling or competitions: lose in a bet.)3. 担负:“~粮而景从”。 (To bear: "carry grain and follow the scenery.")---赢 yíng 形 【本义】: 有余 (Adjective: [Original meaning]: to have a surplus.) 【造字法】: 会意。从贝,从贏,赢( yíng )省声。贝,古货币,与财富买卖有关。 (Word formation: Pictophonetic; it combines the 'shell' radical, related to ancient currency and wealth.)1. 同本义 ([En.] have a surplus) 2. 宽缓; 松懈 ([En.] relaxed; slack; loose) 3. 充裕 ([En.] abundant) - 赢获 (To be abundant; to be rich) - 赢储 (To have ample preparation) ---赢 yíng 动 1. 经商盈利 ([En.] reap profits; earn) 2. 博赛获胜。与输相对 ([En.] win; defeat; beat) 3. 天文上五星趋舍而前为赢,退舍为缩 ([En.] advance; waxing) 4. 博取,获得 ([En.] gain) 5. 来得及 ([En.] there's still time; be able to do something in time) 6. 担 ([En.] carry on a shoulder pole) ---赢 yíng 名 1. 做买卖所获得的利润 ([En.] profit; gain) 2. 古邑名 ([En.] Ying county). 在今山东省莱芜县西北。 (Ancient place name: Ying county, located northwest of present-day Laiwu County, Shandong Province.)---赢 yíng 形 【本义】: 有余 (Adjective: [Original meaning]: to have a surplus.) 【造字法】: 会意。从贝,从贏,赢( yíng )省声。贝,古货币,与财富买卖有关。 (Word formation: Pictophonetic; combines the 'shell' radical, related to ancient currency and trade.) 1. 同本义 ([En.] have a surplus) - 引:1 《说文》:赢,贾有余利也。 (Quote: "Winning means having profits in trade.") - 引:2 《左传·昭公元年》:贾而欲赢而恶嚣乎。 (Quote: "A merchant wants to profit without being troublesome.") - 引:3 张衡《西京赋》:鬻者兼赢。 (Quote: "The seller simultaneously gains profits.") - 引:4 元· 吴莱《欧阳氏急就章解后序》:仓廥空虚,而群县无复赢畜以待用。 (Quote: "The granaries are empty, and each county no longer has surplus to prepare for use.")2. 宽缓; 松懈 ([En.] relaxed; slack; loose) - 引:1 《诗·大雅·云汉》:大夫君子,昭假无赢。 (Quote: "A noble man should not be slack or relaxed.") 3. 充裕 ([En.] abundant) - 赢获 (To be abundant; to be rich) - 赢储 (To have ample preparation) ---赢 yíng 动 1. 经商盈利 ([En.] reap profits; earn) - 引:1 《官场现形记》:赢钱的都已溜回家去睡钱。 (Quote: "The ones who won have slipped back home to count their money.") 2. 博赛获胜。与输相对 ([En.] win; defeat; beat) - 引:1 《红楼梦》:傻大舅输家,没心绪,吃了两碗,便有些醉意,嗔着两个娈童只赶着赢家不理输家了。 (Quote: "A foolish uncle loses focus, eats two bowls, becomes somewhat drunk, and scolds two boys, only caring for the winner, disregarding the loser.") 3. 天文上五星趋舍而前为赢,退舍为缩 ([En.] advance; waxing) - 引:1 《史记》:岁星赢缩,以其舍命国…其趋舍而前曰赢,退舍曰缩。 (Quote: "The planet advances when it's considered abundant and recedes when in shortage.") 4. 博取,获得 ([En.] gain) - 引:1 杜牧《遣怀》:赢得青楼薄幸名。 (Quote: "Gained a fickle reputation in brothels.") 5. 来得及 ([En.] there's still time; be able to do sth. in time) - 引:1 郭沫若《集外·我的作诗的经过》:有时连写也写不赢。 (Quote: "Sometimes one can't even write in time.") 6. 担 ([En.] carry on a shoulder pole) - 引:1 汉· 贾谊《过秦论》:赢粮而景从。 (Quote: "To carry grain in a shoulder pole and follow the scenery.") ---赢 yíng 名 1. 做买卖所获得的利润 ([En.] profit; gain) - 引:1 元· 姚燧《送李茂卿序》:人有挟仕而商,赋之州县,而倍责赢入,以肥其家。 (Quote: "Some people engage in business while holding positions, taxing regions to double their profits for the enrichment of their families.") 2. 古邑名 ([En.] Ying County). 在今山东省莱芜县西北。 (Ancient place name: Ying county, located northwest of present-day Laiwu County, Shandong Province.)
to win / to gain
gain / profit / to make a profit
win or loss / outcome
win / earn
Win side
Steady win
profitability / productiveness
Input Method for 赢
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters