櫜 stroke order

櫜 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 櫜 Stroke Order Diagrams for 櫜 Information of 櫜 PinyingoRadical木Strokes19 strokesUsage★★Definition 櫜 1. In ancient times, a large bag used on vehicles to hold things; also refers to any kind of bag. 古代车上...

櫜 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 櫜

櫜 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 櫜

櫜 Stroke Order Diagrams

Information of 櫜




19 strokes




櫜 1. In ancient times, a large bag used on vehicles to hold things; also refers to any kind of bag. 古代车上用来盛东西的大袋子;也泛指袋子。 Example: "I heard that County Prefect Pang is very corrupt and has many bags." “闻得庞县丞十分贪污,囊~甚多。” 2. An apparatus for storing armor and arrows. 收藏盔甲弓矢的器具。 Example: "Wu Ju knew that he was prepared, so he asked to lower the bag and enter." “伍举知其有备也,请垂~而入。” 3. To store in a bag. 用袋子装。 櫜 [gāo] Noun: A vessel for storing armor, bow, and arrow, etc. 收藏盔甲、弓矢的器具 (【英】:vessel for storing armor,bow and arrow,etc.)。 Example: 櫜鞬 (an apparatus for storing arrows and bows; generally refers to a military general's attire). 如:櫜鞬(藏箭、弓的器具;泛指武将的装束) 櫜 [gāo] Verb: To store. 储藏(【英】:store)。 Example: 櫜弓 (to store the bow and arrows). 如:櫜弓(把弓矢收藏起来)

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  • 櫜 stroke order

    櫜 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 櫜 Stroke Order Diagrams for 櫜 Information of 櫜 PinyingoRadical木Strokes19 strokesUsage★★Definition 櫜 1. In ancient times, a large bag used on vehicles to hold things; also refers to any kind of bag. 古代车上

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