壮 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 壮
Stroke Order Diagrams for 壮
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 壮
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Information of 壮
6 strokes
to strengthen / strong / robust
壮 (zhuàng)1. Large, powerful, robust. - Example: 强壮 (qiáng zhuàng) - strong. - Example: 壮士 (zhuàng shì) - a strong man. - Example: 壮心 (zhuàng xīn) - ambitious. - Example: 壮烈 (zhuàng liè) - heroic. - Example: 壮美 (zhuàng měi) - magnificent. - Example: 兵强马壮 (bīng qiáng mǎ zhuàng) - well-equipped.2. To increase courage and strength. - Example: 壮胆 (zhuàng dǎn) - to boost courage. - Example: 壮行 (zhuàng xíng) - to act strongly. - Example: 以壮声势 (yǐ zhuàng shēng shì) - to create a powerful momentum.3. A Chinese ethnic minority primarily distributed in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and provinces such as Yunnan, Sichuan, and Guizhou (historically written as “僮”). - Example: 壮族 (zhuàng zú) - Zhuang nationality. - Example: 壮锦 (zhuàng jǐn) - Zhuang brocade. - Example: 壮歌 (zhuàng gē) - Zhuang songs.壮 (zhuàng) as a verb:1. To strengthen. - Example: 壮声势 (zhuàng shēng shì) - to strengthen one's position. - Example: 给他壮胆 (gěi tā zhuàng dǎn) - to encourage him.2. To grow up. - Example: 男子当壮 (nán zǐ dāng zhuàng) - Young men should grow.3. To praise or admire. - Example: 何其壮也 (hé qí zhuàng yě) - How magnificent!4. To injure (similar to “戕”). - Example: 女壮,勿用取女 (nǚ zhuàng, wù yòng qǔ nǚ) - Apply caution in choosing women.壮 (zhuàng) as a noun:1. Prime of life. - Example: 中国古代称男子三十为壮 (zhōng guó gǔ dài chēng nán zǐ sān shí wéi zhuàng) - In ancient China, a man at thirty was called "壮."2. Terminology in moxibustion (one moxacone).3. A counting unit in moxibustion. Each moxa cone applied is called one 壮.4. Refers to moxa cones.大壮灸 (dà zhuàng jiǔ) means using a larger moxa cone, while 小壮灸 (xiǎo zhuàng jiǔ) means using a smaller moxa cone. 5. The provincial name for the Zhuang nationality. Original writing was “僮.”
to expand / to strengthen
majestic / awesome / full of power and grandeur
thick and solid
solemn and stirring / moving and tragic
spectacular / magnificent sight
hero / fighter / brave strong guy / warrior (in armor)
strong / sturdy / robust
in the right and self-confident (idiom); bold and confident with justice on one's side / to have the courage of one's convictions / just and forceful
brave / heroic
grand / majestic / vast
广西壮族自治区 Guǎng xī Zhuàng zú Zì zhì qū
Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in South Central China, on the border with Vietnam, abbr. 桂[Gui4], capital Nanning 南寧|南宁[Nan2 ning2] / until 1959, Guangxi province
young and vigorous (idiom)
surging forward with great momentum / unfolding on a magnificent scale
macho man / strong man / hunk / brawny man
magnificent feat / impressive feat / heroic undertaking / heroic attempt
strong / able-bodied
embolden / boost sb.'s courage
lit. robust years / prime of life / summer / able-bodied (fit for military service) / mature (talent, garden etc)
robust / healthy / sturdy
sthenia / sturdy / strong and healthy
magnificent / splendid / grand / majestic
sturdy / thick and strong
(of a livestock animal) plump and strong / well-fed
healthy and strong / sturdy / thriving / vigorous / robust / flourishing
cutting one's own wrist / to cut one's arm to save one's body - make a prompt and resolute decision
magnificence / magnificent / majestic / glorious
spectacular / magnificent / splendid
have one's wish frustrated / die before the fulfillment of one's ambition / with one's lofty aspirations unrealized
Input Method for 壮
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters