焉 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 焉
Stroke Order Diagrams for 焉
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 焉
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Information of 焉
11 strokes
where / how
焉 [yān]1. 与介词“于”加代词“是”相当。 Equivalent to the preposition "于" and the pronoun "是": 心不在焉 (The heart is not in it.). 不复出焉 (No longer comes out.).2. 乃,才。 Only, just: 必知乱之所自起,焉能治之。(Must know where chaos arises, only then can it be treated.)3. 文言疑问词,怎么,哪儿。 Classical Chinese question word, how, where: 且焉置土石?(And where to place soil and stones?)4. 文言助词。 Classical Chinese particle: 又何戚焉。(What need to grieve then?)---焉 [yān]1. 鸟名 (a kind of bird) Example: 唐·黄滔《唐城客梦》:旦,北而徂山之曲,乃见苍翠一林,其中则楮烟墨宇,椒枥坎地,群焉胙充,飞而不举。2. 通“颜”( yán)。额 (forehead) Example: 《荀子·非相》:身长七尺,面长三尺,焉广三寸,鼻目耳具,而名动天下。(Height is seven feet, face is three feet long, forehead three inches wide, with all features, thus name renowned.)---焉 [yān]1. 表示指示,相当于“之” (it) Example: 草木无知,叩焉何益? (Plants are ignorant, what use in striking it?)2. 哪里或那里 (where) Example: 且焉置土石。(And where to place the soil and stones?)3. 什么 (what) Example: 今王公大人骨肉之亲、无故富贵、面目美好者,焉故必知哉? (Why must the rich and noble be known?)4. 怎么 (which) Example: 食其禄,焉避其难? (How can one eat their salary but not avoid their troubles?)5. 兼有介词“于”加代词“此”的语法功能,相当于“于是”、“于此” (so) Example: 二陵焉。(So there are two tombs.)---焉 [yān]1. 如何 (how) Example: 如:焉能;焉得;焉敢;焉知;焉用. (How could; how could achieve; how dare; how know; how use.)2. 于是,就,乃,则 (then). Example: 《史记》:始皇巡陇西、北地,出鸡头山,过回中,焉作信宫渭南。(The First Emperor toured Longxi and Beidi, passed Jitou Mountain, and thus built the palace south of the Wei River.)---于是 (then). Indicates sequence in ancient Chinese often used with "乃".---焉 [yān]1. 表示结构,用于前置的宾语之后,相当于“之”,“是” (be) Example: 今王播弃黎老,而孩童焉比谋。(Now the king discards the old Li, yet children plot.)2. 后缀,表示状态,用于形容词、副词之后,相当于“然”、“样子”Example: 其心休休焉,其如有容。(His heart is calm, in a state of content.)3. 用于句中表示停顿,相当于“啊” (ho) Example: 且以五帝之圣焉而死,三王之仁焉而死… (And thus dies with the sanctity of the Five Emperors, with the benevolence of the Three Kings...)4. 用于句尾,表示陈述或肯定,相当于“矣”、“呢” Example: 及至秦之季世,焚《诗》《书》,坑术士,六艺从此缺焉。(When it came to the end of the Qin, burned “Shijing” and “Shu,” buried scholars, and the Six Arts were thus lost.)5. 用于句尾,表示疑问,相当于“乎”、“吗” Example: 嗟行之人,胡不比焉? (Alas, those who travel, why do they not compare?)6. 用于句尾,表示感叹,相当于“呢”、“啊” Example: 使其中无可欲者,虽无石椁,又何戚焉? (If there’s nothing desirable within, even without a stone coffin, what is there to grieve over?)
Yanqi county in Xinjiang
to mention sth without elaborating (idiom); not giving details
Good things
absent-minded / preoccupied / inattentive / with one's thoughts wandering
焉耆回族自治县 Yān qí Huí zú Zì zhì xiàn
Yanqi Hui Autonomous County in Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang 巴音郭楞蒙古自治州[Ba1 yin1 guo1 leng2 Meng3 gu3 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang
Yan De Hu Zi
Mao Jiangyan attached
Great contribution
Yan Zhi Fei Fu
Input Method for 焉
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters