寿 Stroke Order
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Information of 寿
7 strokes
(long) life
寿 shòu 1. 年岁,生命: long life; longevity - 例如: 寿命, 寿终, 寿险 (人寿保险: life insurance), 寿终正寝, 延年益寿. 2. 活得长久: to live long - 例如: 寿考 (referring to longevity), 寿民, 寿星. 3. 生日: birthday - 例如: 寿辰, 寿礼, 寿序 (祝寿文章: birthday wishes or essays), 寿筵. 4. 祝人长寿: to wish someone longevity - 例如: “起为太上皇寿”. 5. 婉辞,指为死后作准备,或死后才用的: a euphemism referring to preparations made for after death or things used only after death - 例如: 寿衣, 寿穴, 寿材. 6. 姓: a surname. **Meaning Summary** 寿 - shòu (as a noun) 1. 年寿,寿限: age; life. 2. 出生日,出生的那一天,亦指生日庆祝: birthday. 3. 姓: surname. **Meaning Summary** 寿 - shòu (as a verb) 1. 使之长寿: to get longevity. 2. 祝寿; 祝福: to toast; to bless. Often refers to toasting someone with wine for longevity. 3. 向人献物以祝人长寿: to present something to another in wishes of longevity. Examples: 寿翁 (an old man of longevity; often refers to a birthday celebrant) 寿人 (a person of advanced age) 寿岂 (long and happy life) 寿域 (a realm of longevity; metaphor for a peaceful and prosperous era) 寿发 (hair that grows back after falling out in old age) 寿夭有定 (superstition that a person's lifespan is predetermined). 引自: 1. 《说文》: 寿,久也. 2. 《韩非子·显学》: 寿命也. 3. 《老子》: 死而不忘者寿. 4. 《诗·小雅·天保》: 如南山之寿. 典故: 如: 寿元 (寿命), 延年益寿 (to prolong life), 寿年 (age), 寿具 (coffin), 寿夭 (short lifespan). 亦指事物存在或有效使用的期限. 例: "席寿三年" (the lifespan of a seat is three years). Examples of verbs: 1. 寿国 (to prolong a nation’s life). 2. 寿子 (to ensure a son's longevity). 3. 寿宴 (a feast for wishing longevity). 献物的例子: 对他人献上礼物以祝愿长寿. 如: "请以赵十五城为秦王寿".
life span / life expectancy / lifetime (of a machine)
to die of old age / to die in one's bed at a ripe old age
longevity / ability to live long / long lived
(polite) birthday making the beginning of new decade of life for an older person, especially over 50 years old (e.g. 60th or 70th birthday)
Shou Xingguo
congratulate an elderly person on his birthday / offer birthday felicitations
life insurance
life insurance
Shou county in Lu'an 六安[Lu4 an1], Anhui
life insurance / abbr. for 人壽保險|人寿保险
may you enjoy boundless longevity (idiom) / long may you live
burial clothes
to make life longer / to promise longevity / (this product will) extend your life
(myth.) peaches of immortality, kept by Xi Wangmu / fresh or confectionery peaches offered as a birthday gift
happiness and longevity
Hidetoshi Nakata
lifetime / length of life
birthday banquet
Yongshou County in Xianyang 咸陽|咸阳[Xian2 yang2], Shaanxi
birthday banquet
Input Method for 寿
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters