蒐 stroke order

蒐 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 蒐 Stroke Order Diagrams for 蒐 Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 蒐 Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "蒐", learn the correct stroke order (笔...

蒐 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 蒐

蒐 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 蒐

蒐 Stroke Order Diagrams

Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 蒐

Standard stroke order for the Chinese character 蒐

Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials

Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "蒐", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "蒐", and master the standard way of writing the character "蒐".

Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 蒐

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "蒐" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)

Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 蒐 in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "蒐" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)

Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 蒐 in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)

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Information of 蒐




12 strokes





蒐 Meaning: 1. 草名。即茜草。 Grass name; specifically refers to madder. 2. 春天打猎。 Hunting in spring. 3. 检阅;军事演习。 Review of troops; military drills. 4. 聚集。 To gather. 5. 搜集;寻求。 To collect; to seek. 6. 隐匿。 To conceal. Additional Explanations: 1. 草名。即茜草。《説文》:“蒐,茅蒐,茹藘。人血所生,可以染絳。”《山海經•中山經》:“(釐山)其陽多玉,其陰多蒐。”郭璞注:“茅蒐,今之蒨草也。” Grass name; specifically refers to madder. "Shuowen Jiezi": "Madder, a type of grass, is said to be born from human blood and can be used for dyeing." "Shanhaijing (Classic of Mountains and Seas)": “(Lishan) its sunny side has much jade, its shady side has much madder.” Guo Pu's annotation: "Madder is the modern name for this grass." 2. 春天打猎。《爾雅•釋天》:“春獵為蒐。”郭璞注:“搜索取不任(妊)者。”《左傳•隱公五年》:“故春蒐,夏苗,秋獮,冬狩,皆於農隙以講事也。”《穀梁傳•昭公八年》:“秋,蒐于紅。正也。因蒐狩以習用武事,禮之大者也。”漢張衡《東京賦》:“岐陽之蒐,又何足數。” Hunting in spring. "Erya": "Spring hunting is called 'sou'." Guo Pu's annotation: "It seeks and takes those not pregnant." "Zuo Zhuan": "Thus, spring hunting, summer seedling gathering, autumn hunting, and winter hunting all take place during farming intervals to discuss affairs." "Guliang Zhuan": "In autumn, 'sou' refers to gathering." This is the main ritual to practice martial affairs, which is an important ceremony.” Han Zhang Heng's "Dongjing Fu": "What worth mentioning is the spring hunt in Qiyang." 3. 检阅;军事演习。《左傳•襄公二十四年》:“齊社,蒐實,使客觀之。”杜預注:“祭社,因閲數軍器,以示薳啟疆。”《國語•晋語四》:“乃大蒐于被廬,作三軍。”《新唐書•王沛傳》:“沛明示法制,蒐閲以時,軍政大治。” Review of troops; military drills. "Zuo Zhuan": "In Qi, sacrifices were made, and the gathering was to let guests observe." Du Yu's annotation: "The sacrifice involves reviewing military instruments to display defense measures." "Guoyu": "Then a grand assembly was held at the courtyard for all three armies." "Xin Tang Shu": "Pei was clear about the law, checking and reviewing military affairs regularly, leading to great governance." 4. 聚集。《爾雅•釋詁下》:“蒐,聚也。”郭璞注:“蒐者,以其聚人衆也。”《左傳•成公十六年》:“蒐乘補卒,秣馬利兵。”宋徐夢莘《三朝北盟會編》卷九十三:“任賢使能,信賞必罰,蒐卒豐財,以謀大舉。” To gather. "Erya": "Sou means to gather." Guo Pu's annotation: "Sou refers to gathering many people." "Zuo Zhuan": "Gather the troops for support; horse feeding beneficial for soldiers." Song Xu Mengxin's "San Zhao Bei Meng Hui Bian": "Employ the capable, ensure rewards and punishments, gather soldiers and wealth for major undertakings." 5. 搜集;寻求。《文選•陸機〈辨亡論〉》:“於是講八代之禮,蒐三王之樂。”李善注:“蒐與搜,古字通。”《宋史•職官志四》:“以稱朝廷蒐補闕軼,緝熙彌文之意。”明胡應麟《少室山房筆叢•經籍會通一》:“隋文父子,篤尚斯文,訪輯蒐求,不遺餘力。” To collect; to seek. "Wen Xuan": "Then discuss the rites of the eight dynasties and collect the music of the three kings." Li Shan's annotation: "Sou and sou (to search) were anciently interchangeable." "Song Shi": "To address the court's missing legal titles, collect and compile the essence of texts." Ming Hu Yinglin's "Shaoshi Mountain House Note": "The Sui's Wen father and son valued literature, exhaustively seeking and collecting." 6. 隐匿。《左傳•文公十八年》:“靖譖庸回,服讒蒐慝,以誣盛德。”杜預注:“蒐,隱也。” To conceal. "Zuo Zhuan": "Jing's scandal dealt with deceitful confessions to accuse Sheng De." Du Yu's annotation: "Sou means to hide." Note: The character also has related meanings connected to hunting, military activities, gathering, and seeking, with nuanced interpretations highlighted in historical texts.

Input Method for 蒐








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  • 蒐 stroke order

    蒐 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 蒐 Stroke Order Diagrams for 蒐 Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 蒐 Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "蒐", learn the correct stroke order (笔

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