紫 Stroke Order
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Information of 紫
12 strokes
紫 [zǐ] 1. In visible light, the color with the shortest wavelength, made by the combination of red and blue. 在可见光中波长最短,红与蓝合成的颜色。 For example: 紫红 (purple-red), 紫铜 (purple copper), 紫外线 (ultraviolet), 紫药水 (purple medicine). 2. A color revered by Taoism and certain dynastic rulers, often prefixed with "紫" for their palaces, clothing, and objects. 道教和某些朝代的统治者所崇尚的色彩,因而常在其宫室、服饰、用物前冠之以“紫”。 For example: 紫衣 (purple clothing), 紫书 (Taoist scriptures; imperial edicts), 紫诰 (imperial decrees), 紫台 (abode of immortals or emperors), 紫气 (auspicious aura), 紫绶 (purple ribbon), 紫垣 (imperial palace), 紫阙 (palatial towers), 紫光阁 (purple light pavilion), 紫禁城 (Forbidden City), 紫袍金带 (purple robes with golden belts). 3. A surname. 姓。 1. Same as the primary meaning: purple; violet. 同本义 ([En.] purple; violet) 2. Ancient people believed "Laozi" had purple energy, thus purple is a color of auspiciousness. 古人因相传“老子”有紫气,故以紫为祥瑞的颜色 ([En.] lucky color). 3. Associated with emperors and palatial matters. 与帝王、皇宫有关的事物 ([En.] be related with emperor and palace). 名 (noun) 1. Purple clothing and ribbons. 紫色的衣服和绶带 ([En.] purple clothing and ribbon). 2. A surname. 姓。 引 (reference) 1. "Shuowen Jiezi": 紫, a black-red color in silk. 2. "Lunyu": Disdain for purple that overpowers vermilion. Kong's note: "The beauty of mixed colors." 3. "Liji · Yuzhao": Wearing a black crown with purple ribbons. 4. "Zuo Zhuan · Ai Gong Qinian": Purple clothing and fox fur. 5. "Lunyu": Red and purple are not considered inappropriate clothing. 6. "Yuefu Shijicheng": Purple silk for upper clothing. 7. From Liang dynasty, Qiuchi's letter: Wearing purple and holding yellow. 8. Tang dynasty, Li Chaowei's "Liuyi Chuan": Wearing purple clothing. 9. Qing dynasty, Zhou Rong's "Yulao Ren Chuan": Bundling yellow and loose purple. 例 (example) For example: 紫棠色 (black with red tint); 紫玉 (purple jade; a type of flute; ancient people often used purple bamboo for flutes, thus named); 紫衣 (purple clothing; purple kasaya); 紫衫 (purple garments). Ultimately, "紫" embodies the concept of a color that signifies auspiciousness and authority, deeply rooted in Chinese culture and history.
fig. beautiful purples and brilliant reds (idiom); lit. beautiful flowers
dark-red enameled pottery
tilia amurensis
purpura / peliosis / pelioma / hemacelinosis / hemokelidosis
a type of clay found in the region of Yixing 宜興|宜兴[Yi2 xing1], used to make Yixing stoneware, with its distinctive russet or dark purple coloring
purple / violet (color)
ultraviolet (ray)
ultraviolet ray
lac / lakh / shellac / gum lac
Zijin county in Heyuan 河源[He2 yuan2], Guangdong
flavored roasted seaweed / generic term for edible seaweed / Japanese: nori
violet (botany)
Lac insect
sable (Martes zibellina)
purple cloud (auspicious portent in astrology)
fomes japonica
alfalfa / lucerne
four-o'clock / Mirabilis jalapa / wishbone bush / umbrellawort
Purple shirt
Input Method for 紫
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters