虫 Stroke Order
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Information of 虫
Pinyinchóng、 huǐ
6 strokes
insect / worm, an animal / an invertebrate / a worm / an insect
虫 (chóng) [ noun ] 1. A class of arthropods. (节肢动物的一类。) 2. The general term for animals. (动物的通称。) Detailed Meanings: 1. A class of arthropods: e.g. insects, beneficial bugs, minor skills (metaphor for insignificant skills). (节肢动物的一类:昆虫。益虫。雕虫小技(喻微不足道的技能)。) 2. The general term for animals: e.g. big bugs (tigers), long bugs (snakes), shelled bugs (insects with shells). (动物的通称:大虫(老虎)。长虫(蛇)。介虫(有介壳的虫子)。) - Primary meaning: General term for insects.(【本义】:昆虫的通称) - Formation: Pictographic. It is one of the radicals in Chinese characters, with characters that often relate to insects, snakes, etc. The character "虫" in oracle bone script resembles a snake; originally read as huǐ, referring to a type of venomous snake. It later became the simplified form of "蟲".(【造字法】:象形。汉字部首之一,从“虫”的字多与昆虫、蛇等有关。按:“虫”甲骨文字形象蛇形,本读 huǐ,即虺,是一种毒蛇。后为“蟲”的简体。) Synonyms: 1. Same as the primary meaning ([En.] insect). (同本义 ([En.] insect)) 2. In ancient times, it referred broadly to all animals ([En.] animal). (古代泛指所有的动物 ([En.] animal)) 3. Insect plagues ([En.] plague of insects). (虫灾 ([En.] plague of insects)。) Examples: - In ancient literature, "虫" refers to animals: e.g., in "Shuowen Jiezi," it mentions that creatures with legs are called "虫," while those without legs are referred to as "豸."(【引】1 《说文》:虫,有足谓之虫,无足谓之豸。) - "The wind is an insect," in "Confucius' Family Sayings."(【引】2 《孔子家语·执辔》:风为虫。) - "Annoyances manifest as insects" in "Huainanzi."(【引】3 《淮南子·精神》:烦气为虫。) - Biblical text: "Birds, beasts, and insects" in "Liezi."(【引】4 《列子·黄帝》:禽兽虫蛾。) - "Insects buzz and fly" in "Book of Songs."(【引】5 《诗·齐风·桑柔》:虫飞薨薨。) - Historical observation of nature: "The ancients observed the natural world, mountains, rivers, plants, insects, fish, and birds."(【引】6 王安石《游褒禅山记》:古人之观于天地、山川、草木、虫鱼、鸟兽,往往有得。) - "People cannot overcome insects and snakes" in "Han Feizi."(【引】7 《韩非子·五蠹》:人民不胜虫蛇。) - Example terms: e.g, "虫豸" (insects); "虫蛭" (small worms); "虫天" (all insects adapt to their environment); "虫吊" (the sound of insects, a sorrowful noise); "虫出" (after a person dies, the body will attract insects, metaphorically suggesting the deceased cannot be buried). 2. In ancient times, broadly referring to all animals ([En.] animal): - For example, "蛟虫死" from "Lüshi Chunqiu" indicates the death of a creature.(【引】1 《吕氏春秋·览冥》:蛟虫死。) - Example terms: e.g, "长虫" (big bug, dialectally referring to tigers); "虫虾" (referring to fish and shrimp); "虫虱" (broadly refers to pests); "虫网" (refers to a spider's web). 3. Insect plagues ([En.] plague of insects): - For example, "虫霜水旱" refers to the four major pests in farming; "虫妖" refers to disasters caused by insects, often specifically locust disasters.(如:虫霜水旱(指农田的四大害); 虫妖(虫类造成的灾害。多指蝗灾)) This is the original character, with no traditional form. 毒蛇,是"虺"的本字。 (A venomous snake, the primary character for "虺".) 虫 [huǐ] [ noun ] 1. The original character for "虺". Venomous snake name ([En.] a venomous snake). (“虺”的本字。毒蛇名 ([En.] a venomous snake)) 2. See also chóng. (另见 chóng。) 引: - "Shan Hai Jing" states there are many viper insects in the mountain of Yuying.(【引】1 《山海经·南山经》:猨翼之山多蝮虫。) Examples: - For instance, "蝮虫" refers to a specific type of viper.(又如:蝮虫(蝮蛇)) 2. See also chóng. (另见 chóng。)
Click beetle
egg / ovum
injurious insect / pest
plant diseases and insect pests
parasite (biology) / (fig.) freeloader
parasitosis / zoonosis / parasitic disease
paramecium / paramecia / paramoecium
insecticide / pesticide
pitiful creature / wretch
chigger / tsutsugamushi / chigger mite / Leptus
lazy fellow (insult) / idle slob
insect / CL:隻|只[zhi1],群[qun2],堆[dui1]
blunderer / bungler
planaria / turbellarian worm / turbellarian
reptile (old or common word for 爬行動物|爬行动物)
Little crawler
coral / anthozoan / actinozoan / polup
insect gall
ladybug / ladybird
plasmodium (malaria parasite)
sandman / sleepy person / sleep insects
Lac insect
bedbug (Cimex lectularius) / tick
greenfly (Aphis spp.) / aphid
Input Method for 虫
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters