彊 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 彊
Stroke Order Diagrams for 彊
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 彊
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Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 彊
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "彊" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "彊" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Information of 彊
Pinyinqiáng、 qiǎng、 jiàng
16 strokes
variant of 強|强[jiang4] / variant of 強|强[qiang2] / variant of 強|强[qiang3]
彊 (qiáng)1. Same as "强" (qiáng) - strong or powerful.2. Adjective: Sturdy, grand, powerful. Example phrases: "强壮" (qiángzhuàng - robust), "身强力壮" (shēn qiáng lì zhuàng - strong and sturdy).Example from Tang Dynasty: 柳宗元 (Liǔ Zōngyuán) in "愈膏肓疾赋": "外强中乾,精气内伤" ("Externally strong, internally dry, causing harm to the essence.") 3. Adjective: Resolute, tenacious. Example phrases: "顽强" (wánqiáng - unyielding). Example from "孟子" (Mèngzǐ - Mencius): "乐正子强乎?" ("Is the music master strong?") Example from "韩非子" (Hánfēizǐ): "能法之士,必强毅而劲直。" ("Those capable in the way must be resolute and upright.")4. Verb: To force, to use strong measures. Example phrases: "勉强" (miǎnqiǎng - to force), "强迫" (qiǎngpò - to compel), "强人所难" (qiáng rén suǒ nán - to impose difficulties on others), "强词夺理" (qiáng cí duó lǐ - to distort the argument).Example from "孟子": "是由恶醉而强酒。" ("This comes from the wicked drunkenness of strong wine.") Example from "儒林外史" (Rúlín Wàishǐ): "这原是他情愿的事,又没有那个强他。" ("This was originally his willing matter, and no one forced him.")5. Adverb: To exert oneself, to try hard. Example from "孟子": "君如彼何哉?强为善而已矣。" ("What of the lord like that? Just trying hard to do good.")6. Adjective: Tough, unyielding. Example from "淮南子" (Huáinánzǐ): "木强而斧伐之。" ("The wood is tough and can be chopped.") Example from "汉书" (Hànshū): "周昌,木强人也。" ("Zhou Chang, a man of strong wood.")7. Adjective: Rigid. Example from "儒林外史": "一连吃了四五剂,口不歪了,只是舌根还有些强。" ("After taking four or five doses in a row, his mouth didn't twist, but the root of his tongue was still somewhat stiff.")
Input Method for 彊
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters