孞 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 孞
Stroke Order Diagrams for 孞
Information of 孞
7 strokes
孞: 1. Same as "信" (xìn; trust, belief). 1. 同“信”。 Same as "信".《改併四聲篇海•子部》引《搜真玉鏡》:“孞,音信。” "孞" is pronounced like "信". According to "海", "孞" is synonymous with "信".《字彙補•子部》:“孞,同信。” "孞" is the same as "信".2. (Adjective) Ideogram; composed of the elements "人" (person) and "言" (speech). A person's speech should be honest. Original meaning: sincere and heartfelt. 1. 本义:真心诚意 Original meaning: true heart and sincerity.2. 同本义信,诚也。——《说文》 Same as the original meaning of trust, which is sincerity. — "Shuowen Jiezi" 3. 有诸已之谓信。——《孟子》 Trust is when words align with intentions. — "Mengzi" 4. 信者,诚也。专一不移也。——《墨子经》 Trust means sincerity and steadfastness. — "Mozi" 5. 定身以行事谓之信。——《白虎通·情性》 Committing oneself to actions is what we call trust. — "Baihu Tong" 6. 期果言当谓之信。——《国语·晋语》 Expectation met by words is called trust. — "Guoyu" 7. 民不求其所欲而得之谓之信。——《贾子道术》 When people obtain what they desire without seeking it, it is called trust. — "Jiazi Daoshu" 8. 信誓旦旦。——《礼记·经解》 Trust is sworn sincerely. — "Liji" 9. 反贼无信!吾不幸误中汝奸计也!——《三国演义》 A traitor is without trust! I am unfortunate to have fallen into your plot! — "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" 10. 牺牲玉帛,弗敢加也,必以信。——《左传·庄公十年》 Sacrifices of jade and silk cannot be added; they must be done with trust. — "Zuo Zhuan" 11. 信而见疑。——《史记·屈原贾生列传》 Trust leads to suspicion. — "Records of the Grand Historian" 12. 则是无信。——《世说新语·方正》 Then it is without trust. — "Shishuo Xinyu" Also: 信行 (xìnháng; credit; keeping promises), 信人 (xìnrén; a person who keeps promises). Other examples: Trust in action; a trustworthy person.
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters