奪 stroke order

奪 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 奪 Stroke Order Diagrams for 奪 Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 奪 Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "奪", learn the correct stroke order (笔...

奪 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 奪

奪 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 奪

奪 Stroke Order Diagrams

Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 奪

Standard stroke order for the Chinese character 奪

Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials

Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "奪", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "奪", and master the standard way of writing the character "奪".

Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 奪

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "奪" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)

Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 奪 in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)

Download Free Worksheet (PDF)

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "奪" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)

Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 奪 in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)

Download Free Worksheet (PDF)

Information of 奪




14 strokes




rob / snatch

奪奪 duó1. 搶,強取。(Seize; rob) 例: 搶~。掠~。巧取豪~。強(qiāng )詞~理。(Examples: seize; rob; forcefully take.)2. 爭先取到。(Win; take the lead) 例: ~得最後勝利。~魁。~冠(guàn)。(Examples: win the final victory; take the lead.)3. 衝開。(Force one’s way) 例: ~門而出。(Example: burst out of the door.)4. 喪失,削除。(Deprive; lose) 例: 剝~。褫~(剝奪)。~志(改變志向或意願)。(Examples: strip away; deprive; lose one’s will.)5. 晃動。(Shake) 例: 光彩~目。(Example: dazzling light.)6. 決定如何處理。(Decide how to handle) 例: 請予裁~。(Example: please make a decision.)7. 漏掉(文字)。(Omit; leave out) 例: 第八行~一字。(Example: omit a word in the eighth line.)本义: 喪失 (Basic meaning: lose)造字法: 會意。金文字形,上面象振翅欲飛的鳥,下面是手(又、寸),其意思是:這隻振翅欲飛的鳥,眼看着就要從手中失脫掉。 (Character formation: ideographic. The character visually depicts a bird about to fly away from a hand.)同本義 ([En.] lose)引: 1. 《說文》:奪,手持隹失之也。(From Shuowen: "夺" means to hold and lose.)2. 《禮記·仲尼燕居》:給奪慈仁。 注:「猶亂也。」(From Book of Rites: "to give and take away benevolence.")3. 《素問·通評虛實論》:精氣奪則虛。(From The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine: "deplete energy results in emptiness.")4. 《論語·子罕》:三軍可奪帥也,匹夫不可奪志也。(From Analects: "The army's commander can be taken, but a man’s ambition cannot.")5. 《荀子·富國》:勿奪農時。(From Xunzi: "Do not deprive farming time.")例: 1. 奪宗(始封的國君被尊爲諸侯以後,除去原來宗子的名分)(Example: remove the title of the original heir after being honored as a lord.)2. 奪氣(喪失了膽量和勇氣)(Example: lost courage and bravery.)3. 奪魄(精神喪失而無生氣)(Example: loss of spirit and liveliness.)4. 奪膽(喪膽)(Example: lost courage.)5. 奪彩(失出光彩)(Example: lost brilliance.)強取 ([En.] seize; rob)引: 1. 《玉篇》:奪,取也。(From Yupan: "夺" means to take.)2. 《左傳·文公十八年》:人奪女妻而不怒。(From Zuo Zhuan: "a man takes another man's wife without anger.")3. 《史記·淮陰侯列傳》:奪其印符。(From Records of the Grand Historian: "take away the seals.")4. 《書·呂刑》:奪攘矯虔。(From The Book of Documents: "to seize and compel.")5. 《史記·廉頗藺相如列傳》:秦王度之,終不可奪。(From Records of the Grand Historian: "It can never be taken from by the King of Qin.")例: 1. 奪轉(奪得)(Example: won.)2. 奪勸(一邊勸一邊奪拿)(Example: persuade while taking.)3. 奪情(皇帝特許某些有親喪的官僚不守孝,或者未滿守孝期者復取。)(Example: to deprive a person of mourning feelings.)4. 奪席(奪取他人的席位)(Example: seize someone else's seat.)用力衝開,衝出 ([En.] force one’s way)例: 1. 奪門(破門,奮力衝開門)(Example: burst through the door.)2. 眼淚奪眶而出(Example: tears streamed out.)競先取得 ([En.] win)引: 1. 高啓《謝賜衣》:被澤徒深厚,慚無奪錦才。(From Gao Qi's "Thank You for the Gift of Clothes": "I'm ashamed that I have no talent to win the brocade.")例: 1. 奪高產(Example: achieve high yields.)2. 奪魁(奪取第一)(Example: take the first position.)3. 奪卻(奪去;佔去)(Example: took away.)4. 奪衣(奪袍。喻在詩文競賽中獲勝)(Example: won in a literary competition.)5. 奪錦(奪取錦標)(Example: win the prize.)剝奪;削除 ([En.] deprive)引: 1. 明· 高啓《書博雞者事》:脅服奪(罷免)其官。(From Ming Gao Qi's "On Raising Chickens": "intimidate and remove (deprive) his office.")例: 1. 奪褫(剝奪)(Example: deprive.)2. 奪爵(Example: deprive of nobility.)3. 奪休(舊指女方提出離婚)(Example: deprive of marital status.)4. 奪俸(官吏犯罪,被罰扣薪餉)(Example: deprive of salary for official misconduct.)

Input Method for 奪








Four Corner




Same Pronunciation Characters

Same Radical Characters


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  • 奪 stroke order

    奪 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 奪 Stroke Order Diagrams for 奪 Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 奪 Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "奪", learn the correct stroke order (笔

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