亢 Stroke Order
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Information of 亢
4 strokes
亢 【kàng】 1. 高,高傲。 High, arrogant. 2. 极度,非常。 Extreme, very. 3. 抗,匹敌。 To resist, to match. 4. 星名,二十八宿之一。 Name of a constellation, one of the twenty-eight lunar mansions. 5. 姓。 A surname. ---亢 【kàng】 (形) 本义: 人颈的前部,喉咙;高 Basic meaning: The front part of a person's neck, throat; high. 1. 高 ([En.] high) 例: 高~。不~不卑。 Example: High, neither low nor humble. 2. 刚强 ([En.] firm) 例: 亢烈(刚毅); 亢亮(刚直诚信); Example: Determined; honest and upright. 3. 自高,无所屈 ([En.] supercilious) 例: 亢世(傲世); 亢龙(骄横无德之君。) Example: Proud; arrogant ruler. 4. 干旱 ([En.] arid) 例: 亢阳(旱灾); 亢厉(旱灾); Example: Drought; drought disaster.---亢 【kàng】 (名) 1. 星名,亢宿,二十八宿之一,青龙七宿的第二宿 ([En.] name of a constellation) Example: 亢宿四星。 Example: Four stars of the constellation Kang. 2. 姓。 A surname. ---亢 【kàng】 (副) 极,达到最高的境界 ([En.] very) 例: 从今以后,着这楚州亢旱三年。 Example: From now on, there will be three years of extreme drought in Chuzhou. ---亢 【kàng】 (动) 1. 抵御。通“抗” ([En.] resist; withstand) 例: 我则为政,而亢大国之讨。 Example: I will govern and resist the attack of a great nation. 2. 蔽,庇护 ([En.] shelter; shield) 例: 吉不能亢身,焉能抗宗? Example: If one cannot protect oneself, how can one protect the lineage? ---高的。 High. 高傲、强硬。 Arrogant, firm. 过甚。 Excessive. ---高的。 High. 高傲、强硬。 Arrogant, firm. 过甚。 Excessive. ---名 咽喉,喉咙。 Throat, gullet. 比喻要害之处。 Metaphor for a critical spot. 名词 脖子、咽喉。 Noun for neck, throat. 《说文解字.亢部》:「亢,人颈也。」 From the "Explaining Graphs and Characters," "Kang refers to the neck." 《汉书.卷三二.张耳陈余传》:“乃仰绝亢而死。” From "Records of the Grand Historian," "He died by turning his neck back." 唐.颜师古.注:「亢者,总谓颈耳。」 Tang Dynasty's Yan Shigu annotated, "Kang generally refers to the neck." --- 名 咽喉,喉咙。 Throat, gullet. 比喻要害之处。 Metaphor for a critical spot. 名词 脖子、咽喉。 Noun for neck, throat. 《说文解字.亢部》:「亢,人颈也。」 From the "Explaining Graphs and Characters," "Kang refers to the neck." 《汉书.卷三二.张耳陈余传》:“乃仰绝亢而死。” From "Records of the Grand Historian," "He died by turning his neck back." 唐.颜师古.注:「亢者,总谓颈耳。」 Tang Dynasty's Yan Shigu annotated, "Kang generally refers to the neck."
hyperfunction (medical)
excited / stimulated
neither haughty nor humble / neither overbearing nor servile / neither supercilious nor obsequious
hyperthyroidism / abbr. for 甲狀腺功能亢進|甲状腺功能亢进[jia3 zhuang4 xian4 gong1 neng2 kang4 jin4]
neither servile nor overbearing (idiom) / neither obsequious nor supercilious
Kang Long regrets
Kang Sheng
resounding (sound) / reverberating
Input Method for 亢
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters