绥 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 绥
Stroke Order Diagrams for 绥
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 绥
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Information of 绥
10 strokes
绥 suí 1. 安抚。 [En.] to appease; to pacify. 2. 安好。 [En.] peaceful; safe; secure. 3. 古代指登车时手挽的索。 [En.] in ancient times, referred to the rope used for getting into a carriage. 4. 古代的旌旗和旒。 [En.] ancient standards and pennants. 5. 同本义 ([En.] rope). 引用:《说文》:绥,车中把也。 [En.] According to "Shuowen," it means the handle in a carriage. 6. 上古五服之一 ([En.] one of the five areas in ancient times). 古代王畿外围,每五百里为一区划,按距离的远近分为五等地带,叫“五服”。 [En.] In ancient times, the outer regions of the royal domain were divided every five hundred miles into five zones, known as the "Five Areas." 7. 绥江 ([En.] Sui River). 在福建省西部。 [En.] Located in the western part of Fujian Province. 8. 旧绥远省略称 ([En.] Sui Province). 1928年设省,1954年撤销。 [En.] Established as a province in 1928 and abolished in 1954. 9. 绥州,古州名 ([En.] Sui Prefecture). 西魏置,在今陕西省绥德县。 [En.] An ancient prefecture established during the Western Wei in present-day Suide County, Shaanxi Province. 10. 安抚人心以保持平静 ([En.] appease; pacify). 引用:《诗·大雅·民劳》:惠此中国,以绥四方。 [En.] According to "Book of Songs," it mentions providing peace to all corners of the land. 11. 临阵退军,向后撤 ([En.] retreat). 引用:《左传·文公十二年》:秦以胜归,我何以报,乃皆出战,交绥。 [En.] Refers to a withdrawal in battle situations. 12. 制止;止 ([En.] stop). 引用:《国语·齐语》:使民以劝,绥谤言,足以补官之不善政。 [En.] To stop slanders and remedy the failings of governance. 13. 舒缓的 ([En.] easy). 引用:《广雅》:绥,舒也。 [En.] In "Guangya," it states that "绥" means to be at ease. 14. 平安;安好;安泰 ([En.] peaceful). 引用:《荀子·儒效》:绥绥兮其有文章也。 [En.] From "Xunzi," referring to a harmonious and peaceful situation.
old name for district of Hohhot city 呼和浩特[Hu1 he2 hao4 te4], Inner Mongolia
Suifenhe River / Suifenhe county level city in Mudanjiang 牡丹江, Heilongjiang
to pacify / to appease / appeasement
Suide County in Yulin 榆林[Yu2 lin2], Shaanxi
Suihua prefecture level city in Heilongjiang Province 黑龍江|黑龙江[Hei1 long2 jiang1] in northeast China
Suihua prefecture level city in Heilongjiang province 黑龍江|黑龙江[Hei1 long2 jiang1] in northeast China
Suizhong county in Huludao 葫蘆島|葫芦岛, Liaoning
Jinsui Border District
Suifenhe county level city in Mudanjiang 牡丹江, Heilongjiang
Suijiang county in Zhaotong 昭通[Zhao1 tong1], Yunnan
Appeasement district
Suining county in Shaoyang 邵陽|邵阳[Shao4 yang2], Hunan
Input Method for 绥
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters