齊 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 齊
Stroke Order Diagrams for 齊
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 齊
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Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 齊
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "齊" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
![Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of 齊 in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge) Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 齊 in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)](/assets/bishun/worksheets/png/1/40778.png)
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "齊" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
![Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of 齊 in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge) Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 齊 in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)](/assets/bishun/worksheets/png/2/40778.png)
Information of 齊
Pinyinqí、 jì
14 strokes
(surname) / even / to make even
齊1. 東西的一頭平或排成一條直線。 - The ends of things are flat or arranged in a straight line.2. 達到,跟什麼一般平。 - To reach, to be equal to something.3. 同時;同樣;一起。 - At the same time; the same; together.4. 全;完全。 - Whole; complete.5. 中國周代諸侯國名,疆域在今山東省北部、東部和河北省的東南部。 - Name of a princely state during the Zhou Dynasty in China, located in present-day northern and eastern Shandong Province and southeastern Hebei Province.6. 中國朝代名。 - Name of a Chinese dynasty.1. 東西的一頭平或排成一條直線:~整。參差不~。 - The ends of things are flat or arranged in a straight line: neat and even. Unevenly arranged.2. 達到,跟什麼一般平:見賢思~。河水~腰深。 - To reach, to be equal: seeing the virtuous and thinking of equality. The river water is waist-deep.3. 同時;同樣;一起:~名。~聲。~心協力。一~前進。 - At the same time; the same; together: equally famous. Equal voice. Working together with one heart. Moving forward together.4. 全;完全:~全。人到~了。 - Whole; complete: all present. Everyone is here.5. 中國周代諸侯國名,疆域在今山東省北部、東部和河北省的東南部。 - Name of a princely state during the Zhou Dynasty in China, located in present-day northern and eastern Shandong Province and southeastern Hebei Province.6. 中國朝代名:南朝~。北朝~。 - Name of a Chinese dynasty: Southern Qi. Northern Qi.齊 qí形 - The original meaning: the heads of grains like wheat are smooth and flat.造字法: 象形。甲骨文字形,象禾麥穗頭長得平整的樣子。小篆字形下面多了兩條線,表示地面。- Pictographic character formation: The oracle bone script character resembles the smooth top of wheat ears. The small seal script has two extra lines below, indicating the ground.同本義 (neat;even)整齊 (in good order;neat;uniform)平等 (equal)全,齊全 (all present;all ready;complete)好 (good)疾,敏捷 (quick;fast;speed)通「齋」(zhai)。肅敬 (solemn and silence)動 1. 同等,相等 ([En.] equal; of the same class,rank,or status)2. 整治 ([En.] govern)3. 達到同樣高度 ([En.] be on a level with;reach a certain point or line)名 1. 朝代名 ([En.] Qi Dynasty). 南北朝時代,南朝蕭道成代宋爲帝,國號齊,史稱南齊(479—502);北朝高洋代北魏爲帝,國號齊,史稱北齊(550—557)2. 齊國 ([En.] Qi state). 中國周朝分封的諸候國名(公元前1122—前265),在今山東省3. 通「臍」。肚臍 ([En.] umbilicus)4. 通「臍」。中央 ([En.] centre)副 同,並,一齊,皆 (same;in common;simultaneously)介 1. 從 ([En.] from)2. 另見 jìjì 名 1. 通「劑」。調味品 ([En.] flavouring)2. 合金 ([En.] alloy)3. 通「躋」。登,升 ([En.] ascend)4. 另見 qí名 1. 同“ 粢 ”。古代用於祭祀的穀物。 - The same as “ 粢 ”. Ancient grains used for sacrifices.名詞 衣服的下摆。《论语.乡党》:「摄齐下堂,鞠躬如也。」- Noun: The hem of clothing. 名詞 黍稷等谷物。通「粢」。 - Noun: Grains such as millet and broomcorn. The same as “ 粢 ”.同“ 齋 ”。- The same as "zhai".詞1. 齋戒。- Fasting.2. 莊敬。- Solemnity and respect.動詞 祭祀前戒绝嗜欲、洁净身心,以示虔诚。同「斋」。- Verb: To abstain from desires and purify body and mind before rituals, demonstrating piety. 形容詞 肃敬、庄重。 【组词】:「齐肃」。- Adjective: Solemn and respectful.
Input Method for 齊
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters