冠 Stroke Order
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Information of 冠
Pinyinguàn、 guān
9 strokes
hat / crown / crest / cap, to head
冠 [guān]名词 1. 帽子 : hat- 衣~ : wear a hat- ~戴 : put on a hat- ~盖(古代官吏的帽子和车盖,借指官吏) : official cap (referring to the hats and canopies of ancient officials) - 衣~楚楚 : dressed neatly2. 形状像帽子或在顶上的东西 : cap-like object or something on top- ~子 : cap-like object- 鸡~ : comb (of a rooster)- 树~ : tree crown- ~状动脉 : capillary artery引 1. 《说文》:冠,弁冕之总名也。 : In "Shuowen", it states that "guan" is a general term for various types of caps.2. 《礼记·问丧》:冠至尊也。 : In "Liji", it mentions that the "guan" is the supreme headwear.3. 《仪礼·士冠礼》:缁布冠。 : In "Yili", it describes the black cloth crown.4. 《周礼·司服》:凡甸冠弁服。 : In "Zhouli", it mentions various official caps and clothing.5. 《史记·廉颇蔺相如列传》:怒发上冲冠。 : In "Records of the Grand Historian", it says "fury made my hair stand on end."6. 《楚辞·渔父》:新沐者必弹冠。 : In "Chuci", it describes the actions of a newly washed person.7. 汉· 晁错《论贵粟疏》:冠盖相望,乘坚策肥。 : In "The History of Han", it describes the competition of aesthetics.8. 《明史·海瑞传》:小民罢市,丧出江上,白衣冠送者夹岸。 : In "Ming History", it describes a funeral procession.9. 明· 刘基《卖柑者言》:峨大冠,拖长绅者,昂昂乎庙堂之器也,果能建伊皋之业耶? : In "Liu Ji's 'The Seller of Oranges'", it reflects on the ambitions of those wearing grand hats in halls of power.例 - 又如: 衣冠整齐; 怒发冲冠; 二十而冠; 冠礼; 冠巾; 冠玉(帽子上装饰的美玉。后多用来指代美男子); 冠佩(帽子与佩玉。亦指官吏士绅); 冠绶(礼帽与印绶) : Examples include: dressed neatly, fury made my hair stand on end, reaching the age of twenty, coming-of-age ceremony, wearing a headscarf, jade ornaments on a hat, decorative hat with jade, and hats with imperial symbols.---冠 [guān]动词 1. 把帽子戴在头上 : put on a hat- 沐猴而~ : put a hat on a monkey (metaphorically speaking about pretentiousness)2. 超出众人,居第一位 : surpass others, take the lead- ~军 : to lead an army 3. 姓 : surname---冠 [guàn]动词 1. 戴;戴帽子 : put on a cap or hat 2. 超出众人;超过;位居第一 : precede; crown with; surpass 3. 加在前头 : precede ---冠 [guàn]名词 1. 古代男子到成年则举行加冠礼,叫做冠。一般在二十岁 : ceremony marking a man's coming of age at 20 引 1. 《礼记·曲礼上》:男子二十冠而字。 : In "Liji", it states that men receive the "guan" title at twenty.2. 明· 宋濂《送东阳马生序》:既加冠,益慕圣贤之道。 : In "Song Lian's 'Ode to Ma Sheng'", it mentions striving for virtue after the ceremony.3. 《论语·先进》:冠者五六人,童子六七人,浴乎沂,风乎舞雩,咏而归。 : In "Analects", it describes the group returning from a ceremony.4. 左思《咏史》:弱冠弄柔翰。 : In "Left Siyi's 'Ode to History'", it mentions youth and skillful writings.例 - 又如: 冠字(古代男子二十岁而冠,并赐以字); 冠士(已行过冠礼的成年之士); 冠子(已行过冠礼的男子。指二十岁成年男子); 冠岁(男子二十岁); 弱冠(刚成年); 冠者(指成年人) : Examples include: the title received at twenty, a mature man after the ceremony, a young man of twenty, the term for reaching adulthood, and the significant ceremony for men.---冠 [guàn]名词 2. 排于首位的事例 : first place 例 - 如: 冠部(吏部。古代中央设六部,以吏部为首); 冠族(显贵的豪门世族); 冠首(首位) : Examples include: the Ministry of Personnel (the foremost among six ministries in ancient China), prominent families, and first place.3. 胜利的奖赏或荣誉的标志,尤指代表运动中获得冠军的称号 : champion 例 - 如: 夺冠 : Examples include: winning the championship. 4. (语)∶冠词的简称 : article 5. 另见 guān : see also guān.
official class / intellectual class (idiom)
phoenix coronet and robes of rank / a chaplet and official robes
champion / CL:個|个[ge4]
gold crown
to seize the crown / fig. to win a championship / to win gold medal
to label / to call
hat and clothes / attire
coronary heart disease
coronary artery
Champions League
crown (headgear)
crest / cockscomb
coronary / crown-shaped
take one's hat off
coming of age at 20
crown of tooth
high-sounding / dignified / pompous (idiom)
royal crown / official hat / official / leader / chief / elegant and stately
lit. dressed up animal (idiom) / fig. immoral and despicable person
feathered crest (of bird)
Input Method for 冠
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters