放 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 放
Stroke Order Diagrams for 放
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 放
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Information of 放
8 strokes
to release / to free / to let go / to put / to place / to let out
放 [fàng]1. 解脱约束,得到自由。 To break free from constraints and gain freedom.2. 散(sàn)。 To scatter.3. 带牲畜到野外去吃草。 To take livestock to the fields to graze.4. 驱逐到远方去。 To expel to a distant place.5. 到基层去。 To go to grassroots levels.6. 发出。 To emit.7. 借钱给别人,收取利息。 To lend money to others and collect interest.8. 扩展。 To expand.9. 花开。 To bloom.10. 搁、置。To put down; to set aside.11. 至。To arrive at.---放 [fàng]【动】【本义】: 驱逐,流放(Original meaning: to banish, to exile)1. 同本义 ([En.] banish) Same as the original meaning (banish).1. 解脱约束; 释放 ([En.] free; release) To liberate or release.3. 免去; 免除 ([En.] exempt from) To exempt or excuse.4. 放纵,恣纵 ([En.] let oneself go; indulge) To indulge or let loose.5. 做; 干 ([En.] do) To do or act.6. 发放 ([En.] provide; grant) To provide or grant.8. 搁置; 放下 ([En.] put; place; dispose of) To put down or dispose of.9. 委任; 外放 ([En.] appoint) To appoint or assign to a position.10. 从([En.] 家畜)圈栏或禁闭中释放出来 ([En.] unpen)To release from captivity.11. 要求对方采取某种态度 ([En.] behave)To require someone to take a certain attitude.12. 放映,放送 ([En.] show film)To show or broadcast.13. 扩展,加大 ([En.] let out; expand)To let out or expand.14. 使停留在原来的地方或状态,不加处理 ([En.] leave alone)To leave unchanged or unprocessed.15. 搁进去,加进去 ([En.] put in; add)To put in or add.16. 为达到某种状态迅速控制速度、态度等 ([En.] readjust one's speed, attitude, etc.)To adjust speed, attitude, etc., for achieving a state quickly.17. 开放 ([En.] blossom; open)To bloom or open.18. 舒展 ([En.] lift)To lift or stretch.19. 通“方”。并船 ([En.] side by side with ships)To be side by side with ships.20. 发射; 放射; 发出 ([En.] emit; discharge)To emit or discharge.21. 点燃 ([En.] fire)To ignite, e.g., firecrackers or fireworks.22. 在规定的时间内停止学习或工作 ([En.] stop)To stop learning or working at a designated time.23. 通“妨”( fáng)。阻碍 ([En.] block; obstruct)To block or obstruct.24. 通“仿”( fǎng)To imitate.25. 模拟 ([En.] simulate; imitate)To simulate or imitate.26. 相似 ([En.] similar; resemble)To resemble or be similar.---放 [fàng]【副】通“方”。正当 ([En.] just the time for; just when)Meaning "just the right time" or "just when".---放 [fàng]【动】1. 依据。 Based on.2. 至。 To arrive at.3. 仿效。 To imitate.
to keep watch / to do sentry duty / to be on patrol
put (something) in a certain position
to pile up / to stack
bold and unrestrained / untrammeled
child cowherd
to deposit / to store / to leave in sb's care
to relax restrictions
open-door to the outside world / opening to the outside world
to radiate / radioactive
to fart / to break wind / to talk nonsense / Utter rubbish!
drop the butcher's knife -- to reform an evildoer into a good person
to renounce / to abandon / to give up
to bloom / to open / to be open (to the public) / to open up (to the outside) / to be open-minded / unrestrained by convention / unconstrained in one's sexuality
to act wickedly / to bully / to make life difficult for sb by unreasonable actions
to feel relieved / to feel reassured / to be at ease
to burst with joy (idiom) / to be over the moon / to be elated
free our mind / emancipate one's mind
delay / slow
to input / to throw in / to unload / to put into circulation
emission / discharge / exhaust (gas etc)
to put one's all into the fight
put in
to breed (livestock, fish, crops etc) / to grow / to raise
to set up / to arrange / to lay out
to broadcast / to transmit
to liberate / to emancipate / liberation / refers to the Communists' victory over the Nationalists in 1949 / CL:次[ci4]
to provide / to give / to grant
to release / to set free / to liberate (a prisoner) / to discharge
Input Method for 放
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters