鹝 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 鹝
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Information of 鹝
15 strokes
鹝 (yì) 1. In ancient texts, refers to "吐绶鸡" (turkey). 古书上指“吐绶鸡”,俗称“火鸡”。 2. In ancient texts, refers to a type of grass. 古书上指一种草。 3. [Noun] Same as "鶂" (a kind of aquatic bird). 同“鶂”。鸟名 ([En.] a kind of aquatic bird) 4. [Noun] In ancient texts, refers to 吐绶鸡 (turkey). 古书上指吐绶鸡 ([En.] turkey) 5. [Noun] Name of a grass; 绶草 (ribbon grass). 草名。绶草。也作鹝 ([En.] ribbon grass) 引例: 1. Song Dynasty, Lu Dian's "Piya" - "The ribbon bird, also known as 鹝, may also be called 吐绶. It has a throat pouch that resembles a small ribbon, adorned with five brilliant colors." 宋·陆佃《埤雅·释鸟》:绶鸟,一名鹝,亦或谓之吐绶。咽下有囊如小绶,五色彪炳。 例句: For example: 鹝绶 (a metaphor for the literary and artistic quality of poetry). 又如: 鹝绶(比喻诗文的文理色彩) 6. [Noun] Name of a grass; 绶草 (ribbon grass). 草名。绶草。也作鹝 ([En.] ribbon grass) 引例: 1. "In the poem from the Book of Songs: 'In the middle of Tang there is 渐, and in Qiong there is delicious 鹝.'" 《诗·陈风·防有鹊巢》:中唐有甓,邛有旨鹝。
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