䅩 Stroke Order
Information of 䅩
14 strokes
Definition of 「䅩」:1. 〔䅩䅓〕➊ Appearance of grass and trees that are bent and not upright. - 〔䅩䅓〕➊ The appearance of grass and trees that are bent and not upright. "Shuowen•He部": “䅩, signifies minor obstruction and thus stops.” Duan Yucai adds these two words and annotates: “Both words were not in the original, now supplemented.” Wang Jun's note: “Minor obstruction signifies the meaning of '䅩䅓'; it is descriptive. 'Minor obstruction' refers to plants that suffer from disease, where branches and leaves are twisted, hence called minor; various depressions and protrusions indicate many conditions; 'and stop' indicates that from then on, it returns to withered branches, and can no longer flourish.” Qing Gu Jinxing's "Winter Note 100 Rhymes": “The guest struggles to avoid falling, the tree invades to cut off 䅩䅓.” ➋ Refers generally to being obstructed, bent, and not extending. Qing Duan Yucai's "Shuowen Jiezi Notes • 部": “䅩, minor obstruction, meaning there is something preventing its extension.” Qing Zhu Junsheng's "Shuowen Tongxun Ding Sheng • Jie部": “䅩, anything that is obstructed or bent is called 䅩䅓.” ➌ A type of tree, also refers to its fruit, also written as "枳枸" or "枳椇". The sweet fruit can be consumed, commonly known as "Guaizao", "Golden Hook", or "Chicken's Claw”. "Shuowen •
部": “䅩, it is wood.” Wang Jun’s note: “Similar to '一曰木名'. The terms '䅩䅓' both refer to the same entity. However, 䅩 is this wood, and 䅓 remains this wood, collectively referred to as '䅩䅓', still means this wood. "Guangyun": '䅩, woody fruit that is bent'; '䅓, woody fruit that is bent.'"2. Tree branches intertwining. - The term "䅩" indicates intertwined branches of trees. Qing Dai Zhen's "Kaogongji Tu • Shiyi": “'A wheel inside called an axle', axle referred to as 䅩. 䅩 means the intertwining of large and small branches.”3. Same as "歧" (qi). - Same as "歧". "Erya • Shi Di": "In the north... there is the 'Zhi Shou Snake'," Guo Pu’s annotation: “the 'Qi Head Snake'” Tang Lu Deming annotated: “Zhi, originally also written as 䅩.”
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