瑣 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 瑣
Stroke Order Diagrams for 瑣
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 瑣
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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "瑣" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
![Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of 瑣 in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge) Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 瑣 in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)](/assets/bishun/worksheets/png/1/29795.png)
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "瑣" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
![Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of 瑣 in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge) Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 瑣 in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)](/assets/bishun/worksheets/png/2/29795.png)
Information of 瑣
14 strokes
fragmentary / trifling
瑣 suǒ 〈名〉 【本义】: 玉件相擊發出的細碎聲音 (The sound produced by the striking of jade pieces) 1. 玉聲。(Jade’s sound) 2. 也作“瑣瑣”。(Also written as "瑣瑣") 3. 鏤玉爲連環叫瑣,後以金屬爲之,作“鎖”。連環;鎖鏈。(A chain made of intricately carved jade is called "瑣", later made with metal as "lock". Chain.) 4. 鎖鏈形的紋飾。(Chain-like pattern) 5. 加在門、箱等上面使人不能隨便開啓的器具。後作“鎖”。(An object used on doors, boxes, etc., to prevent easy opening; later referred to as a "lock".) 6. 宮禁。宮門的禁令的代稱。(Court ban; a term for the regulations of palace gates.) 7. 玉屑。(Fragment of jade.) 8. 古地名。(Ancient place name.) 9. 姓。(Surname.) 瑣 suǒ 〈形〉 1. 細碎,細小。(Tiny; petty; small) 2. 瑣瑣(細小的事情)。(Trivial matters.) 3. 形容人品卑劣,猥瑣。(Describing a person of low character; base.) 4. 瑣碎。(Trivial.) 5. 平庸。(Mediocre.) 6. 仔細。(Careful.) 瑣 suǒ 〈名〉 【本义】: 玉件相擊發出的細碎聲音 (The sound produced by the striking of jade pieces) 1. 同本義。(Same as the original meaning.) 【引】 1《說文》:瑣,玉聲也。(From "Shuowen": 瑣, meaning jade’s sound.) 2. 也作“瑣瑣”。(Also written as "瑣瑣".) 【引】 1 唐·杜牧《送劉三複郎中赴闕》:玉珂聲瑣瑣,錦帳夢悠悠。(From Du Mu's poem: The sound of jade clashing is like "瑣瑣", dreams drift under the embroidered curtain.) 3. 鏤玉爲連環叫瑣,後以金屬爲之,作“鎖”。連環;鎖鏈。(A chain made of intricately carved jade is called "瑣", later made with metal as "lock". Chain.) 【引】 1《後漢書·仲長統傳·述志詩》:古來繞繞,委曲如瑣。(From "Book of the Later Han": Since ancient times, things are winding and intricate like '瑣'.) 4. 鎖鏈形的紋飾。(Chain-like pattern.) 【引】 1 唐·李商隱《房人不遇留別館》:卿卿不惜瑣窗春,支作長楸走馬身。(From Li Shangyin's poem.) 【例】 又如:瑣闈(鐫刻連瑣圖案的宮中旁門)。(For example: 瑣闈 (side door with intricate carvings).) 5. 加在門、箱等上面使人不能隨便開啓的器具。後作“鎖”。(An object used on doors, boxes, etc., to prevent easy opening; later referred to as a "lock".) 【引】 1《說文新附》:鎖,鐵鎖門鍵也。(From "Shuowen": A lock is also a key for an iron door lock.) 6. 宮禁。(Court ban; a term for the regulations of palace gates.) 【引】 1《漢書》:曲陽侯根驕奢僭上,赤墀青瑣。(From "Book of Han": The Marquis of Quyang was arrogant and extravagant, with a red terrace and blue locking.) 7. 玉屑。(Fragment of jade.) 【引】 1《洪武正韻》:瑣,玉屑。(From "Hongwu Zhengyun": 瑣, meaning a fragment of jade.) 8. 古地名。(Ancient place name.) 【引】 1 春秋鄭地。約在河南省新鄭縣北。(Zheng area during the Spring and Autumn period; about in the northern part of Xinzheng County, Henan Province.) 2 春秋晉地。約在河北省大名縣。(Also in Jin during the Spring and Autumn period; about in Da Ming County, Hebei Province.) 3 春秋楚地。約在安微省霍丘縣東。(In Chu during the Spring and Autumn period; about in the eastern part of Hoqiu County, Anhui Province.) 9. 姓。(Surname.) 瑣 suǒ 〈形〉 1. 細碎,細小。(Tiny; petty; small) 【引】 1《太玄·成》:成魁瑣。(From "Tai Xuan": 成魁瑣 means small.) 2 瑣,碎也。(瑣 means broken; noted in "Book of the Later Han".) 3《易·旅》:瑣瑣。(From "I Ching": the meaning is small.) 4 清·袁枚《祭妹文》:凡此瑣瑣,雖爲陳跡,然我一日未死,則一日不能忘。(From Yuan Mei's work: These trivial things, although they are remnants, even if I am not dead for a day, I cannot forget them.) 2. 瑣瑣(細小的事情)。 【例】 又如:瑣瑣(細小的樣子);瑣屑(煩碎細小);瑣器(細小的器具);瑣末(細微)。(For example: 瑣瑣 (tiny things); 瑣屑 (small pieces); 瑣器 (tiny tools); 瑣末 (minutiae).) 3. 形容人品卑劣,猥瑣。(Describing a person of low character; base.) 【引】 1《詩·小雅·節南山》:瑣瑣姻亞,則無膴。(From "Book of Songs": Lowly and base will result in no privileges.) 【例】 ﹝x3#:又如:瑣賤(地位卑微);瑣劣(猥瑣拙劣);瑣任(卑微的職務);瑣猥(庸俗卑微);瑣運(卑賤的命運). 4. 瑣碎。(Trivial.) 【引】 1 唐·劉知幾《史通·書事》:王隱、何法盛之徒,所撰《晉史》,乃專訪州閭細事,委巷瑣言,聚而編之。(From Liu Zhiji: Wang Yin and others focused on trivial matters in the history that they compiled.) 【例】 又如:瑣近(瑣碎而淺近);瑣言(瑣碎的言談);瑣卒(零散的兵力);瑣故(瑣細的典故);瑣記(記述瑣事的一種文章體裁);瑣務(瑣碎的事務);瑣脞(繁瑣);瑣說(瑣細的論述). 5. 平庸。(Mediocre.) 【例】 如:瑣才,瑣材;瑣姿(庸才,陋質). 6. 仔細。(Careful.) 【引】 1《漢書》:吉善其言,召東曹案邊長吏,瑣科條其人。(From "Book of Han": Pay careful attention to details; the official records are meticulous.)
Input Method for 瑣
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters