榼 stroke order

榼 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 榼 Stroke Order Diagrams for 榼 Information of 榼 PinyinkRadical木Strokes14 strokesUsage★★Definition 榼 (k)1. Ancient wine vessel: A container used in ancient times to hold wine. Example: “使行人执榼承饮。” (L...

榼 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 榼

榼 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 榼

榼 Stroke Order Diagrams

Information of 榼




14 strokes




榼 (kē)1. Ancient wine vessel: A container used in ancient times to hold wine. Example: “使行人执榼承饮。” (Let the traveler carry the vessel to serve wine.)2. General term for container-like objects: Refers to boxes or similar items. Example: 果榼 (fruit container), 粉榼 (powder container).3. Cover for swords and sabers: Refers to the sheath or case for blades. Example: A sheath for a sword.Noun: A type of ancient wine vessel. Quote: "止则操卮执瓢,动则挈榼提壶。" (When still, one holds a cup and ladle; when moving, one carries a vessel and pot.)Example from poetry: "小榼酤清醑,行厨煮白鳞。" (A small vessel to fetch clear wine, while cooking the white fish.)Noun: A general term for box-like containers.Quote: "今夫溜水足以溢壶榼,而江河不能实漏卮。" (Now, the flowing water is enough to overflow the container, but the river cannot fill the jug.)Example: "只见门外一个老姥走将进来,手中拿着一个小榼儿。" (I saw an old woman walking in with a small container in her hand.)

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  • 榼 stroke order

    榼 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 榼 Stroke Order Diagrams for 榼 Information of 榼 PinyinkRadical木Strokes14 strokesUsage★★Definition 榼 (k)1. Ancient wine vessel: A container used in ancient times to hold wine. Example: “使行人执榼承饮。” (L

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