甃 stroke order

甃 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 甃 Stroke Order Diagrams for 甃 Information of 甃 PinyinzhuRadical瓦Strokes13 strokesUsage★★Definition 甃 [zhu]1. 砖砌的井壁。 (Wall of brick-well) 2. 井。 (Well) 3. 砖。 (Brick) 4. 砌,垒。 (Build) 5. 圆的。 (R...

甃 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 甃

甃 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 甃

甃 Stroke Order Diagrams

Information of 甃




13 strokes




甃 [zhòu]1. 砖砌的井壁。 (Wall of brick-well) 2. 井。 (Well) 3. 砖。 (Brick) 4. 砌,垒。 (Build) 5. 圆的。 (Round) 引 1. 《说文》:甃,井壁也。从瓦,秋声。 (From "Shuowen": 甃 refers to the wall of a well, composed of tiles, with a sound of autumn.)2. 唐·杜荀鹤《旅泊遇郡中叛乱示同志》:古寺拆为修寨木,荒坟开作甃城砖。 (Tang Dynasty - Du Xunhe: The ancient temple was dismantled for building a fort, and the abandoned tombs were made into bricks for walls.)例 又如: 甃甓(井壁); 甃石(垒石为壁). (For example: 甃甓 (well wall); 甃石 (stone wall).)名 〈动〉1. 砌。以砖修井。 (Build a well with bricks) 引 1. 甃,亦治也。以砖垒井,修井之坯,谓之为甃。——《易·井》孔颖达疏引 (甃 also means to manage; building a well with bricks is referred to as 甃, as per the comment on the Book of Changes, "Well".) 2. 《易·井》:甃无咎。干注:“以砖垒井曰甃。” (In the Book of Changes: "甃 is without blame". The commentary states: "Building a well with bricks is called 甃.")2. 修盖瓦沟;砌垒砖石。 (Build) 引 1. 《管子》:甃屋行水。 (In "Guanzi": Build walls for water to flow.) 2. 《醒世恒言》:起百尺琉璃宝殿,甃九层白玉瑶台。 (In "Xingshi Hengyan": Erect a hundred-foot glazed treasure hall and build a nine-layer white jade platform.)例 又如: 甃石(砌石;垒石为壁); 甃地(以砖、石等砌地); 甃城(筑城;修城); 甃理(修治).(For example: 甃石 (to build a stone wall); 甃地 (to build with bricks or stones); 甃城 (to construct or repair a city); 甃理 (to manage or repair).)

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  • 甃 stroke order

    甃 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 甃 Stroke Order Diagrams for 甃 Information of 甃 PinyinzhuRadical瓦Strokes13 strokesUsage★★Definition 甃 [zhu]1. 砖砌的井壁。 (Wall of brick-well) 2. 井。 (Well) 3. 砖。 (Brick) 4. 砌,垒。 (Build) 5. 圆的。 (R

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