赶 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 赶
Stroke Order Diagrams for 赶
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 赶
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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "赶" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "赶" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Information of 赶
10 strokes
to catch up / to overtake / to hurry / to rush / to drive away
赶 gǎn1. 追,尽早或及时到达: catch up with, arrive early or on time 例: ~超 (catch up), ~集 (gather quickly), ~先进 (catch up with advanced)2. 从速,快做: rush for, act quickly 例: ~快 (hurry), ~路 (hurry to the journey), ~任务 (hurry to finish tasks)3. 驱逐,驱使: drive away, expel 例: ~羊 (drive away sheep), 驱~ (drive away)4. 等到(某个时候): till, until 例: ~明儿 (wait until tomorrow)5. 遇到(某种情形或机会): meet with, encounter 例: 正~上 (just in time for) 【本义】: 兽类翘起尾巴奔跑。《说文》: “举尾走也。”(The original meaning: Animals run with their tails raised; "to run with a raised tail.") 【造字法】: 形声。从走,旱声.(Character formation: a phonetic compound, meaning "to run" and "to hurry.")6. 追赶,从后面追上: catch up with 引: 1 《管子·君臣》: “心道进退而刑道滔赶。” (The heart moves forward and back while the punishment follows closely.) 2 《周书·谥法》: “思虑果敢曰赶。” (Thinking and daring is called 'gǎn.')7. 急赴: rush for 例: 如: 赶火车 (hurry for a train), 赶路 (hurry on the road), 赶考 (rush to the examination)8. 驱逐: drive away 引: 1 南唐·刘崇远《金华子》: “厨人馈食于堂,手中盘馔,皆被群禽搏撮,莫可驱赶。” (The kitchen staff feeds in the hall, but are unable to drive away the birds.) 例: 赶苍蝇 (drive away flies), 赶羊 (drive sheep)9. 辗压。通“擀”: roll 例: 赶面打 (roll the dough) 10. 从速; 加快: hurry through 例: 赶任务 (hurry to finish tasks), 赶即 (hurry up), 赶速 (hurry through)11. 碰上(某种情况): meet with 例: 正赶上他去省里开会 (just happened to meet him going to the provincial meeting)12. 驾御: drive 例: 赶马车 (drive a horse cart)13. 等到(某个时候): till, until 例: 赶年 (wait until New Year), 赶晚 (wait until evening)14. 趁,把握时间: just in time 例: 正赶在风暴来临之前到达 (arrived just before the storm hit)15. 按,按照: according to 例: 应该赶自己所最能接近、最能知道的东西写 (should write based on what one knows best)(*引自繁体辞典解释) 动动物翘著尾巴跑。《说文解字·走部》: “赶,举尾走也。” (Animals run with their tails raised; "to run with a raised tail.") 马奔驰。《集韻·平聲·仙韻》: “赶,马走。” (The horse runs.)
to hurry / to hasten / to make haste
at once / immediately
friendly one-upmanship / to try to emulate
hurriedly / without delay
to drive out / to turn back
to hurry / to rush
to rush over
to hurry (to some place)
to keep up with / to catch up with / to overtake / to chance upon / in time for
to pursue / to chase after / to accelerate / to catch up with / to overtake
to hasten on with one's journey / to hurry on
hurry / one after another
redrive / run back
to drive (vehicle) / to drive out / to chase away / to herd (people towards a gate)
rush out
to hurry to (somewhere)
to kill to the last one (idiom) / to exterminate / to eradicate / ruthless
to overtake
to go to market / to go to a fair
to drive a cart
as soon as possible / at the first opportunity / the sooner the better / before it's too late
Hurry up
to drive away / to force out / to repel
to keep up with the latest fashion
Input Method for 赶
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters