怪 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 怪
Stroke Order Diagrams for 怪
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 怪
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Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 怪
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "怪" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "怪" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Information of 怪
8 strokes
queer / to blame
怪 (guài)1. 奇异,不平常。 Strange, unusual.2. 惊奇。 Surprise, astonishment.3. 传说中的妖魔之类。 Legends of demons and monsters.4. 性情乖僻或行为异样的人。 A person with peculiar temperament or odd behavior.5. 很,非常。 Very, exceedingly.6. 怨,责备。 Grievance, blame.---怪 (guài) (Meaning: bewildering; odd; strange; fantastic)1. 奇异,不平常: - Strange events. - Strange objects. - Strange comments. - Odd varieties. - Strange shapes. 2. 惊奇: - Astounded. - Unable to believe.3. 传说中的妖魔之类: - Ghosts and spirits. - Strange creatures.4. 性情乖僻或行为异样的人: - Eccentric habits. - Weird behaviors. 5. 很,非常: - Wonderful weather.6. 怨,责备: - Do not blame you. - Hold resentment. - Malice in words.---妖精,鬼物 (devil) 怪 (guài) (Noun)1. 妖精,鬼物: - Spirits and monsters. - Mythical creatures.---责怪 (blame) 怪 (guài) (Verb)1. 责怪: - To hold accountable. 2. 惊异;觉得奇怪: - To find something surprising.---很,非常 (quite; very) 怪 (guài) (Adverb)1. 强调程度: - Used before adjectives or verbs to indicate a high degree of something. - Examples: This box is quite heavy; I feel quite embarrassed; quite impressive; quite hot; quite cold.
to blame / to rebuke
strange / absurd / paradoxical / extraordinary
eccentric / grotesque / oddly / queer
strange / odd / to marvel / to be baffled
vicious circle / (abnormal) phenomenon
monster / devil
demons and ghosts / ghouls and bogies
jagged rocks of grotesque shapes
monstrous / strange / strange phenomenon
cunning / queer / an eccentric person with a streak of the fox in him / sly and capricious / tricky service
monster / freak / eccentric person
(it's) no wonder (that...) / (it's) not surprising (that)
no wonder! / so that's why!
strange person / eccentric
to make a fuss about nothing (idiom)
to blame / to rebuke
strange thing / curious occurrence
hobgoblin / bogey / phantom
to blame
to mind / to take offense
(of a ghost) to make strange things happen / to act up / to act behind the scenes / to make mischief / odd / to misbehave (euphemism for having sex)
fantastic rock peaks
freak / weird
to blame sb wrongly
rare animal / mythical animal / monster
monstre sacré (i.e. artist famous for being deliberately preposterous)
eccentric / peculiar
Poisonous Monster
eccentricity / peculiarity / strange hobby
Input Method for 怪
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters