廷 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 廷
Stroke Order Diagrams for 廷
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 廷
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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "廷" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
![Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of 廷 in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge) Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 廷 in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)](/assets/bishun/worksheets/png/1/24311.png)
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "廷" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
![Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of 廷 in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge) Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 廷 in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)](/assets/bishun/worksheets/png/2/24311.png)
Information of 廷
6 strokes
palace courtyard
廷 [tíng] 【noun】 1. 同本义 (court of a feudal ruler) Explanation: In feudal times, this refers to the place where the monarch held court and attended to state affairs. Example: 朝廷 ( Cháo, court), 宫廷 ( palace court), 廷杖 ( court staff), 廷试 ( the palace examination during the imperial examination period), 廷对 ( a. public questioning in the court; b. the palace examination during the imperial examination period). 2. 官署 (government) Explanation: A place where local officials carry out their duties. 3. 庭院; 院子 (courtyard) Explanation: Often synonymous with the term “庭” (courtyard). 4. 朝位; 位置 (position) Explanation: Refers to a position within the court. 【adjective】 公正 (fair-minded) Explanation: Describes fairness or impartiality, often used in legal contexts.引: 1. 《说文》: 廷, 朝中也。 (In the Shuowen dictionary, it states: "Court; inside the court.") 2. 《楚辞·王逸·九思逢尤》: 虎兕争兮于廷中。 (In the Chuci: "The tiger and the rhinoceros clash inside the court.") 3. 《汉书·陆逵传》: 游汉廷公卿间。 (In the Han Shu: "Wandering among the officials in the Han court.") 4. 《史记·廉颇蔺相如列传》: 相如廷叱之。 (In the Shiji: "Xiangru admonished him in the court.") 5. 廷见相如。 (Xiangru was seen in the court.) 6. 唐·柳宗元《柳河东集》: 廷中皆大笑。 (In Li Yun's collection: "Everyone in the court laughed loudly.") Examples: 如: 廷臣 (court official); 廷吏 (officials of the court); 廷推 (high-ranking officials appointed through recommendations); 廷魁 (top scholar in the palace examination). 引: 1. 《史记》: 刘邦为泗水亭长,廷中吏无所不狎侮。 (In the Shiji: "Liu Bang, as the head of the Sishui Pavilion, was scorned by officials in the court.") 【courtyard】: 引: 1. 《诗·唐风·山有枢》: 子有廷内。 (In the Book of Songs: "You have a courtyard inside.") 2. 《左传·襄公二十三年》: 张武军于荧廷。 (In Zuo Zhuan: "Zhang Wu's army was in the courtyard.") 3. 《左传·定公十四年》: 夫差使人立于廷。 (In Zuo Zhuan: "Fuchai sent someone to stand in the courtyard.") 4. 《管子·法法》: 门廷有事,期年而君不闻,此所谓远于万里也。 (In Guanzhong: "If there are issues in the courtyard, and the lord does not hear about them for a year, it is said to be far away by a thousand miles.") 5. 《史记·李斯列传》: 门廷车骑以千数。 (In Shiji: "The carriages and riders in the courtyard were counted by thousands.") 6. 《资治通鉴·唐纪》: 听于廷。 (In Zizhi Tongjian: "Was heard in court.") 引: 1. 《马王堆汉墓帛书》: 奇从奇,正从正,奇与正,恒不同廷。 (In the Mawangdui Han tomb texts: "Odd and even, both have their realms, odd and even, always differ in position.") 廷 [tíng] 【adjective】 公正 (fair-minded) 引: 1. 《汉书·百官公卿表上》: 廷尉,秦官。颜师古注: “廷,平也。治狱贵平,故以为号。” (In Han Shu: "Tingwei, an official of the Qin dynasty. Yan Shigu noted: 'Ting means fair, and managing trials emphasizes fairness, hence the title.'")
court (of king or emperor)
Commandant of Justice in imperial China, one of the Nine Ministers 九卿[jiu3 qing1]
court / imperial household / dynasty
the Qing court (as government of China)
the Papacy / the Vatican / the Church government / Holy See
Shan Ting
Input Method for 廷
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters