䉵 Stroke Order
Information of 䉵
23 strokes
Definition of 「䉵」:1. Same as "饌" (zhuàn) - food or dishes. "䉵, complete food." "饌, 䉵 can also be written as '巽'." This is referenced in the "Shuo Wen Jie Zi" under the food section: “䉵, full preparation of food. 饌, 䉵 or sometimes combines elements of '巽'.” Guifuzhi Yi Zheng states: “Complete food means in 'Yi Qie Jing Yin Yi' it is quoted as ‘fully prepared food and drink’. In 'Lunyu', it says 'Xiansheng zhuan'. Ma Rong explained: '饌, food and drink...' In 'Han Shu • Yuan Hou Zhuan', it states: 'Only the temple built for the filial Empress with a hall as a representation of 文母 䉵 food hall.' Meng Kang said: '䉵 is pronounced zhuàn.' Jin Zhuo states: '䉵 means complete.'" According to the Zhonghua Book Company’s punctuated edition of the "Han Shu", it is written as “.2. Same as "撰" (zhuàn) - to write or to compose. In Zhang Binglin's "Qin Xian Ji": "Those who are impoverished and have no morning register among the weeds and outside officials, yet still have bright literary discussions presented."
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters