假 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 假
Stroke Order Diagrams for 假
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Information of 假
Pinyinjiǎ、 jià
11 strokes
fake / false / artificial / to borrow / if / suppose, vacation
假 jiǎ 1. Untrue, not genuine, opposed to "true": 冒假 (false), 假话 (lie), 假释 (fake translation), 虚假 (false), 真假 (true or false), 弄虚作假 (to fabricate). 2. To borrow or use: 假借 (to borrow), 假货 (borrowed goods), 假道 (to borrow a road), 假手 (to use someone for one's own purpose), 假公济私 (acting under the pretext of public good for personal gain), 不假思索 (no need to think).3. [假名] The script used in Japanese, often borrowing components from Chinese characters. In regular script, it's called "片假名", while in cursive script, it's called "平假名". 4. Based on reasoning, pending verification: 假设 (hypothesis), 假使 (if it were to be), 假令 (supposing), 假如 (if), 假若 (if).假 jiǎ1. Same as the original meaning (opposite to "true"): [En.] false; bogus; counterfeit引: 1. "说文": 假, 非真也。2. "墨子·经上": 假, 今不然也。3. "诗·小雅·小弁": 假寐永叹。4. "史记·项羽纪": 为假上将军。5. "汉书·匈奴传": 假令单于初立。6. "史记·淮阴侯列传": 大丈夫定诸侯,即为真王耳,何以假为?7. "聊斋志异·狼三则": 乃悟前狼假寐,盖以诱敌。例: 假姨姨 (false relatives), 假言 (false words), 假女 (a courtesan acknowledged as a foster daughter), 假局 (a trap), 假子 (a non-biological son).2. Acting as a proxy, informal: [En.] informal 引: 1. "韩非子·难二": 周公旦假为天子七年。例: 假摄 (acting in an official capacity), 假髻 (artificial hair bun), 假吏 (an official acting temporarily).假 jiǎ 1. To borrow: [En.] borrow引: 1. "广雅": 假, 借也。2. "礼记·曲礼": 假尔大龟有常。3. "左传·隐公十一年": 而假手于我寡人。4. "左传·成公二年": 唯器与名不可以假人。例: 假榻 (to borrow a place to stay), 假馆 (to borrow a house for accommodation), 假宿 (to stay temporarily), 假途灭虢 (to traverse a path under a false pretense).2. Leasing; hiring: [En.] hire引:1. "孟子·尽心上": 久假而不归。例:假居 (to live in rented housing), 假税 (tax to be paid for leasing), 假赁 (to borrow or lease).3. To depend on: [En.] depend on引: 1. "荀子·劝学": 假舆马者。 例: 假力于人 (to depend on others' strength), 假助 (to borrow help).4. To give: [En.] give引: 1. "梁启超《谭嗣同传》": 假大兵权。例: 假兵权 (to grant military authority), 假人 (to grant to a person).5. To tolerate: [En.] tolerate引: 1. "北史·魏世祖纪": 大臣犯法,无所宽假。例: 假易 (to be tolerant), 假纵 (to liberate).6. To pretend; to counterfeit: [En.] make a pretext.例: 假妆 (to disguise; masquerade), 假口 (to falsify), 假批子 (to impersonate).7. To praise; to commend: [En.] laud; praise引: 1. "诗·周颂·维天之命": 假以溢我,我其收之。例: 假乐君子 (to manifest virtue through commendations).假jiǎ 1. To hypothesize, if: [En.] if 引: 1. "荀子·正名": 假之有人而欲南,无多。例: 假若 (if) 2. Even: [En.] even.例: 假是 (even if); 假遭 (even if, if).假 jià 1. Leave according to regulations or approved upon request to temporarily leave a workplace or institution: [En.] holiday; vacation引: 1. "王粲《登楼赋》": 聊假日以消忧。例: 放假三天 (to have a three-day holiday), 假限 (the duration of leave), 假休 (to take a leave).假 xiá 1. It refers to "far" in the context of the character 遐: [En.] far; distant.引: 1. "庄子·德充符": 彼且择日而登假。例: 假尔攸仰 (far beyond).
to doze / to take a nap / nodding off to sleep
to practice fraud (idiom); by trickery
hypocritical / unctuous / insincerely courteous / to shed crocodile tears
to impersonate / to act the part of sb / to disguise oneself as sb else
to mix in fake material / to adulterate
mix in the infenion or fake
unjust, fake and false charges (in a legal case)
False dismissal
winter and summer vacation
false / phony / pretense
to go on holidays / to spend one's vacation
to suppose / to presume / to assume / supposing that ... / if / hypothesis / conjecture
to feign / to pretend
long vacation / refers to one week national holiday in PRC starting 1st May and 1st Oct
holiday / non-working day
to impersonate / to pose as (someone else) / to counterfeit / to palm off (a fake as a genuine)
genuine or fake / true or false
if / supposing / in case
summer vacation / CL:個|个[ge4]
a lie / untrue statement / misstatement
to request leave of absence
rock garden / rockery
public holiday
to make use of / to use sth as pretext / under false pretenses / under the guise of / masquerading as / lenient / tolerant / loan character (one of the Six Methods 六書|六书 of forming Chinese characters) / character acquiring meanings by phonetic association / also called phonetic loan
cheap quality counterfeit (goods) / low-quality commodities
Input Method for 假
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters