玦 stroke order

玦 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 玦 Stroke Order Diagrams for 玦 Information of 玦 PinyinjuRadical王Strokes8 strokesUsage★★Definition 玦 [ju]1. 半环形有缺口的佩玉,古代常用以赠人表示决绝。 A semi-circular jade ornament with a gap, commonly give...

玦 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 玦

玦 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 玦

玦 Stroke Order Diagrams

Information of 玦




8 strokes




玦 [jué]1. 半环形有缺口的佩玉,古代常用以赠人表示决绝。 A semi-circular jade ornament with a gap, commonly given in ancient times to signify decision or finality.2. 戴于右拇指助拉弓弦之器。俗称“扳指”。 A device worn on the right thumb to assist in drawing the bowstring, commonly known as a "thimble."3. 同本义 ([En.] pannannular jade ring) Same as the primary meaning (pannannular jade ring).4. 通“决”。一种扳转某物的工具,特指古时射箭套在右手拇指上用以钩弦的器具 ([En.] thimble) Refers to "decide." A tool for turning something, specifically in ancient times used for archery, designed to hook the string on the right thumb.引 1. 《说文》:玦,佩玉也。 "Shuo Wen": A 玦 is a jade ornament. 2. 《左传·闵公二年》:金寒玦离。 注:“如环而缺不连。” “Zuo Zhuan, Year of Duke Min”: The golden and cold 玦 is broken. Note: "Like a ring but with a gap, not connected." 3. 《汉书·五行志》:佩之金玦。 注:“半环曰玦。” "Han Shu, Treatise on Elements": Wearing a golden 玦. Note: "A half ring is called a 玦." 4. 《楚辞·湘中》:捐吾玦兮湘中。 "Chuci": I cast away my 玦 in Xiangzhong. 5. 《荀子·大略》:绝人以玦,还人以环。 "Xunzi, General Principles": To cut ties with someone using a 玦, and to return to them with a ring. 6. 通“决”。一种扳转某物的工具,特指古时射箭套在右手拇指上用以钩弦的器具 ([En.] thimble) Refers to "decide." A tool for turning something, specifically in ancient times used for archery, designed to hook the string on the right thumb.引 1. 《礼记·内则》:右佩玦。李调元补注: 玦,半环也,即今之扳指 "Li Ji, Internal Principles": Worn on the right is the 玦. Li Diaoyuan annotates: A 玦 is a half ring, which is known today as a thimble.

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  • 玦 stroke order

    玦 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 玦 Stroke Order Diagrams for 玦 Information of 玦 PinyinjuRadical王Strokes8 strokesUsage★★Definition 玦 [ju]1. 半环形有缺口的佩玉,古代常用以赠人表示决绝。 A semi-circular jade ornament with a gap, commonly give

    2025-01-02 06:05:01
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