洸 Stroke Order
Information of 洸
9 strokes
洸 [guāng] 1. Rippled water sparkling with light. 水波动荡闪光。 2. Mighty, displaying great power or strength. 威武的样子。 洸 [guāng] (as an adjective) 1. Rippled water shimmering with light. ([En.] ripple) 水波动荡闪闪发光的 ([En.] ripple) 2. Mighty, demonstrating great power or strength. ([En.] mighty) 威武,表现或显示出有很大权力或很有力气 ([En.] mighty) 洸 [guāng] (as a noun) 1. An ancient name for a river, also known as Guang River. 古水名。也称洸河 ([En.] Guang River) 2. Located in the northeastern part of Ningyang County, Shandong Province, it flows south to join with the Zhushui River before draining into the Si River. 自山东省宁阳县东北分汶水,南流至济宁市与洙水交会,南注入泗水。 引例: 1. "洸, water surging with light." — Shuowen Jiezi 洸,水涌光也。从水,从光。会意,光亦声。 2. "The poem says: there is a rush and a rush, I have received it." — Book of Songs 《诗·邶风·谷风》:有洸有溃,既诒我肄。 例句: 如:洸洸;洸朗 (describing water's rippling motion). 引例: 1. "洸洸, refers to might." — Erya 洸洸,武也。 2. "The mighty warrior is vigorous." — Book of Songs 《诗·大雅·江汉》:武夫洸洸。 参见「洸洸」条。
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