檛 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 檛
Stroke Order Diagrams for 檛
Information of 檛
15 strokes
檛 [zhuā]1. 马鞭。 - Whip.2. 打。 - Beat.3. 笙两侧的管子。 - The pipes on both sides of the sheng (a traditional Chinese musical instrument).Example Sentences:1. 马鞭:“吏士寂如水,萧萧闻马~。” - Whip: "The officers were silent like water, only the sound of the horse whip could be heard softly."2. 打:“生到葭萌,与吏争度,津吏~破从者头。” - Beat: "When he arrived at Jiameng, he contested with the officers, and the inspector beat down the follower's head."3. 笙两侧的管子:“修~内辟,馀箫外逶”。 - The pipes on both sides of the sheng: "Repair the pipes on the inside, while the remaining bamboo flutes curve outward."Noun: - 鞭子 (English: whip)Noun (Extended Usage):- 引自《程史》:屏息庭槐下,执檛候晨。 - Quoted from "Cheng Shi": "Holding the whip and waiting for morning under the courtyard locust tree."Verb:- 打击 (English: beat)Verb (Extended Usage):- 引自《后汉书》:津吏檛破从者头。 - Quoted from "Book of the Later Han": "The inspector beat down the follower's head."
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