鄫 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 鄫
Stroke Order Diagrams for 鄫
Information of 鄫
14 strokes
鄫: 1. The name of a vassal state during the Zhou Dynasty in China, located east of present-day Zaozhuang City, Shandong Province. 中国周代诸侯国名,在今山东省枣庄市东。2. A vassal state of Zheng during the Spring and Autumn period, located north of present-day Zhecheng County, Henan Province. 中国春秋时郑的一个附庸国,在今河南省柘城县北。3. A surname. 姓。4. (From traditional dictionary explanation) - Name of a state. Established during the Xia Dynasty by Yu the Great, it was destroyed by Ju during the Spring and Autumn period. Its ruins are approximately located in the territory of Yixian, Shandong Province. 国名。夏禹之后封于此,春秋时为莒所灭。其故城约在今大陆地区山东省峄县境。5. Place name. The ruins of Zheng are approximately located in the territory of Suixian, Henan Province during the Spring and Autumn period. 地名。春秋时郑地,故城约位于今大陆地区河南省睢县境。
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