奓 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 奓
Stroke Order Diagrams for 奓
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 奓
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Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 奓
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "奓" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "奓" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Information of 奓
Pinyinzhà、 zhā
9 strokes
to open / to spread / old variant of 侈[chi3] / old variant of 奢[she1]
奓 [zhā]1. Ancient form of "奢" (luxurious). 2. Adjective: Luxurious, extravagant. Same as "奢". Example: 《说文解字.奢部》 says: “奢 means to spread. 奓 is the seal script.”3. Ancient form of "侈" (extravagant).4. Adjective: Luxurious. Example: 《文选.张衡.西京赋》: “There is a young master who relies on emptiness, his heart is extravagant, and he has a refined interest in ancient things.”5. Verb: To show off. Example: 《文选.潘岳.射雉赋》: “Serious and upright in his concentration, he flaunts his grand and splendid posture.”6. Verb: Open; to spread. Example: 柯荷甘日中奓户而入曰: “The old dragon is dead!” —《庄子》 Example: 发根一奓,身上直冒冷汗。— Qing dynasty, 贪婪道人《彭公案》 Also, e.g., 奓沙 (to spread out), 奓刺 (to extend out; metaphorically, to show off).7. Dialect: To be bold; to forcefully muster one's spirit. Example: 奓胆 (to act boldly).8. Place name: 奓山 (located in Hubei).9. 【引】 1. 《庄子》: 柯荷甘日中奓户而入曰: “The old dragon is dead!” 2. 清·贪婪道人《彭公案》: 发根一奓,身上直冒冷汗。10. Related usage: - 奓沙 (to stretch or open out) - 奓刺 (to extend out; metaphorically, to flourish or show off).11. Another note: - This character is also used in place names such as 奓山, 奓河, 奓湖 (all located in Hubei province). - For further reference, see zhà.
Input Method for 奓
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters