化 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 化
Stroke Order Diagrams for 化
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 化
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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "化" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
![Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of 化 in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge) Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 化 in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)](/assets/bishun/worksheets/png/1/21270.png)
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "化" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
![Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of 化 in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge) Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 化 in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)](/assets/bishun/worksheets/png/2/21270.png)
Information of 化
Pinyinhuà、 huā
4 strokes
to make into / to change into / -ization / to ... -ize / to transform
化 [huà] (1) Change in nature or form. (2) Collection of donations by Buddhists or Taoists. (3) Used after nouns or adjectives to indicate a transformation into a certain nature or state. (4) Customs or social trends. (5) Specifically refers to "chemistry." 化 [huà] (1) Change in nature or form: 变化 (biàn huà), 分化 (fēn huà), 僵化 (jiāng huà), 教化 (jiào huà), 熔化 (róng huà), 融化 (róng huà), 潜移默化 (qián yí mò huà), 化干戈为玉帛 (huà gān gē wéi yù bó). (2) Collection of donations: 化缘 (huà yuán), 化斋 (huà zhāi). (3) Indicates transformation into a certain nature or state: 丑化 (chǒu huà), 绿化 (lǜ huà). (4) Customs or social trends: 有伤风化 (yǒu shāng fēng huà). (5) Specifically "chemistry": 化工 (huà gōng), 化纤 (huà xiān), 化肥 (huà féi). 化 [huà] (動) 【本义】: Change, transformation. 【造字法】: The ancient character was “匕”. It's a pictogram representing two people back to back, indicating change. (1) Same base meaning ([En.] turn; change). 引文: 1 "说文": 匕,变也。徐灏曰:“匕化古今字。” 2 "易·系辞传": Know the way of change. 3 "礼记·乐记": 和故百物化焉。 4 "周礼·柞氏": 若欲其化也。 5 "荀子·正名": 状态而实无别而为异者谓之化。 6 "国语·晋语": 胜败若化。 7 "吕氏春秋·察今": 因时而化。 8 "史记·货殖列传": 终不能化。 9 "聊斋志异·促织": 身化促织。 10 清·林觉民《与妻书》: 而骨化石。 例句: 如: 化现 (change); 化心 (change one's nature); 化先 (beginning of seasonal change); 化治 (change in governance). (2) Education and persuasion ([En.] help a misguided or erring person to change). 引文: 1 "说文": 化,教行也。 2 "周礼·大宗伯": 以礼乐合天地之化。 3 "荀子·七法篇": 渐也,顺也,靡也,久也,服也,羽也,谓之化。 4 "荀子·不苟篇": 神则能化矣。 5 "礼记·中庸": 变则化。 6 "吕氏春秋·士容": 淳淳乎纯谨畏化。 7 杨恽《报孙会宗书》: 明明求仁义,常恐不能化民者,卿大夫意也。 例句: 如: 化声 (reputation from education); 化行 (promoting education in an area); 化诲 (enlighten and educate); 化雨 (educate like rain nurturing plants); 化作 (give birth); 化物 (nurture external objects); 化胎 (nurture into a fetus); 化气 (nurturing energy); 化光 (spread virtue); 化向 (return to obedience through moral education); 化流 (circulate virtue). (3) Persuasion and change of heart ([En.] help to change by persuasion). 引文: 1 "公羊传·桓公六年": 正月实来化我也。 2 邹阳《狱中梁王书》: 是以圣王制世御俗,独化于陶钧之上。 例句: 如: 化俗 (improve customs); 化物 (influence external factors); 化服 (influence obedience); 化盗 (influence thieves to become good citizens). (4) Collection of donations ([En.] collect alms). 引文: 1 "西游记": 你去那里化些斋吃。 例句: 如: 化饭 (collect alms); 化布施 (collecting food donations in Buddhism); 化钱 (collect money); 化斋 (monks and priests collecting alms). (5) Burn up ([En.] burn up). 例句: 如: 化人场 (crematorium); 火化 (cremation). (6) Digest ([En.] digest). 引文: 1 杨万里《庸言》: 学而不化,非学也。 例句: 如: 化食 (digest food); 食古不化 (unable to absorb ancient knowledge). (7) Die ([En.] die). 引文: 1 晋·陶渊明《读山海经》: 同物既无虑,化去不复悔。 2 唐·刘禹锡《祭柳员外文》: 惟君平昔,聪明绝人,今虽化去,夫岂无物! (8) Eliminate or get rid of ([En.] eliminate; get rid of). 引文: 1 "韩非子·五蠹": 以化腥臊。 化 [huà] (名) (1) Customs or trends ([En.] convention; custom). 引文: 1 "汉书": 伤化败俗,大乱之道也。 (2) Nature’s function ([En.] Nature). 引文: 1 王羲之《兰亭集序》: 修短随化。 例句: 如: 化力 (power of nature); 化元 (origin of nature); 化功 (achievement of nature); 化儿 (children from nature). (3) Chemistry ([En.] chemistry). 例句: 如: 数理化 (mathematics and physics). 化 [huà] (后缀) (4) To cause to become, to transform ([En.] -ize; -ify)—used after nouns or adjectives to form verbs. 例句: 如: 绿化 (to green); 电气化 (electrify); 现代化 (modernize). (5) See also huā. 化 [huā] (1) To spend or consume. Same as “花” ([En.] spend). (2) See also huà. 化 [huā] (1) To spend or consume. Same as “花” ([En.] spend). 例句: 如: 化钱 (spend money); 化工夫 (spend effort). (2) See also huà.
cultural history
cosmetic / makeup product
breeding / to incubate / innovation (esp. in commerce and marketing)
to turn peril into safety (idiom); to avert disaster
Fenghua county level city in Ningbo 寧波|宁波[Ning2 bo1], Zhejiang
to put on makeup
dressing room
skin toner
dressing room / powder room / (Taiwan) toilets
(computing) to initialize / initialization
to halogenate / halogenation (chemistry)
halide (i.e. fluoride, chloride, bromide etc)
to collect alms (Buddhism)
chemistry / chemical
change / variation / to change / to vary / CL:個|个[ge4]
to change / to transform / isomerization (chemistry)
chemical industry, abbr. of 化學工業|化学工业[hua4 xue2 gong1 ye4] / chemical engineering, abbr. of 化學工程|化学工程[hua4 xue2 gong1 cheng2]
to strengthen / to intensify
chemical compound
to digest / digestion / digestive
to deepen / to intensify
to industrialize / industrialization
to split apart / differentiation
Input Method for 化
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters