艮 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 艮
Stroke Order Diagrams for 艮
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 艮
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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "艮" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "艮" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Information of 艮
Pinyingèn、 gěn
6 strokes
a sign in trigram
艮 (gèn)[名]1. 八卦之一,代表山。 (One of the Eight Diagrams, representing a mountain.)2. 古代指时辰。 (In ancient times, refers to a specific time period.) 例: 若依然葬书,多用乾、~二时,并是近半夜,此即文与礼违。 (For example: If adhering to the burial writings, the times of Qian and Gen are often used, both close to midnight, which contradicts literature and ritual.)3. 指东北方。 (Refers to the northeast direction.) 例: 如:艮方(东北方);艮岑(位于东北方的高山);艮背(东北隅。背,通“北”。北方);艮域(东北地区) (For example: Gen direction (northeast); Gen peak (a high mountain in the northeast); Gen back (northeast corner); Gen region (northeast area).)4. 姓 (A surname.)[形]1. 止;静止 (Still; stop.) 引: 清· 恽敬《艮泉图咏记》:泉可艮,九天之上,九天之下,何所不艮? (Quote: Qing dynasty's Yun Jing in "Notes on the Gen Spring Picture": The spring can be still, above and below the Nine Heavens, where can it not be still?)2. 坚固;坚硬 (Solid; hard.) 引: 《广雅》:艮,坚也。 (Quote: "Guangya": Gen means sturdy.)3. 艰难 (Difficulty.) 引: 《太玄·守》:象艮有守。 (Quote: "Taixuan": Symbolizing Gen has defense.)4. 另见 gěn (See also gěn.)[形]1. (性子)直;(说话)生硬。 (Personality is straightforward; speech is blunt.) 例: 这个人真艮! (This person is really blunt!) 他说的话太艮! (What he said was too blunt!)2. (食物)坚韧而不脆。 (Food is tough and not crispy.) 例: 发艮。艮萝卜不好吃。 (Example: Ribs are tough. The Gen radish is not tasty.)艮 (gěn)[形]1. 指食物不易咬动或嚼烂。 (Of food, tough.)2. 〈方〉∶人坦率直言。 (In regional terms, mean people are blunt.)3. 〈方〉∶言语率直无曲折。 (In regional terms, speech is straightforward.)4. 衣服朴素。 (Clothes are simple.)5. 不松脆。 (Stiff.)6. 另见 gèn (See also gèn.)[形]1. 指食物不易咬动或嚼烂。 (Of food, tough.) 例: 如:花生米艮了。 (Example: The peanuts are tough.)2. 〈方〉∶人坦率直言。 (In regional terms, mean people are blunt.) 例: 如:这个人真艮。 (Example: This person is really blunt.)3. 〈方〉∶言语率直无曲折。 (In regional terms, speech is straightforward.) 例: 如:他说的话太艮。 (Example: What he said was too straightforward.)4. 衣服朴素。 (Clothes are simple.) 例: 如:他穿的衣特艮。 (Example: The clothes he wore are very simple.)5. 不松脆。 (Stiff.) 例: 如:艮萝卜。 (Example: Tough radish.)6. 另见 gèn. (See also gèn.)
Input Method for 艮
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters