伊 stroke order

伊 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 伊 Stroke Order Diagrams for 伊 Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 伊 Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "伊", learn the correct stroke order (笔...

伊 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 伊

伊 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 伊

伊 Stroke Order Diagrams

Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 伊

Standard stroke order for the Chinese character 伊

Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials

Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "伊", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "伊", and master the standard way of writing the character "伊".

Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 伊

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "伊" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)

Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 伊 in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)

Download Free Worksheet (PDF)

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "伊" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)

Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 伊 in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)

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Information of 伊




6 strokes




he / she / (surname) / Iraq (abbrev.)

伊 [yī]1. 彼,他,她。 - (That, he, she)2. 文言助词。 - (Classical Chinese particle)3. 姓。 - (Surname)1. 彼,他,她:~说。~人(那个人,多指女性)。 - (That, he, she: ... said. ... person (that person, often refers to a female).)2. 文言助词:下车~始。~谁之力?~于胡底(到什么地步为止,不堪设想的意思)。 - (Classical Chinese particle: got off the carriage ... started. ... who’s strength? ... to what extent (implying unimaginable).)3. 姓。 - (Surname)1. (会意。从人,从尹。尹,治理。合起来指伊尹,殷治理天下者。后假借为那) - (Pictograph: From "person" and "Yin". "Yin" means governance. Together it refers to Yi Yin, a governing figure in the Yin dynasty, later borrowing to mean "that".)2. 表示远指,相当于“那” ([En.] that) - (Indicates distant reference, equivalent to "that".)3. 表示第三人称,相当于“她”、“他”、“彼” ([En.] he; she) - (Represents third person, equivalent to "she", "he", "that".)4. 表示第二人称,相当于“你” ([En.] you) - (Represents second person, equivalent to "you".)1. 表示判断,常与“匪”连用,相当于“却是”、“即是” ([En.] be) - (Indicates judgment, often used with "feib", equivalent to "is", "is indeed".)2. 语助词。用于句中,无义。 - (Modal particle. Used in sentences, has no meaning.)3. 发语词,无义。 - (Filler word, has no meaning.)4. 通“繄”。是 ([En.] yes) - (Same as "ye". Yes.)1. 伊水 ([En.] Yi River)。伊河,在河南省西部,源出伏山,后入洛河。 - (Yi River. The Yi River is located in the western part of Henan province, originating from Fushan and later flowing into the Luo River.)2. 伊朗的简称 ([En.] Iran). - (Abbreviation for Iran.)3. 伊拉克的简称 ([En.] Iraq). - (Abbreviation for Iraq.)1. (会意。从人,从尹。尹,治理。合起来指伊尹,殷治理天下者。后假借为那) - (Pictograph: From "person" and "Yin". "Yin" means governance. Together it refers to Yi Yin, a governing figure in the Yin dynasty, later borrowing to mean "that".)2. 表示远指,相当于“那” ([En.] that) - (Indicates distant reference, equivalent to "that".) - 引用:1. 《诗·秦风·蒹葭》:所谓伊人,在水一方。 笺: "伊,当作繄,犹是也。" - (Quote: "What one calls 'Yi Ren' is on the other side of the water.")3. 表示第三人称,相当于“她”、“他”、“彼” ([En.] he; she) - (Represents third person, equivalent to "she", "he", "that".) - 引用:1. 《红楼梦》:薛蟠因伊倔强,将酒照脸泼去。 - (Quote: "Xue Pan became angry because of her stubbornness...") - 引用:2. 《世说新语》:江家我顾伊,庾家伊顾我。 - (Quote: "In the Jiang family I regard him, in the Yu family he regards me.") - 引用:3. 《南史》:吾见张时,伊已六十。 - (Quote: "When I saw Zhang, he was already sixty.") - 例:又如:伊行(她那里;他们);伊曹(彼辈,他们);伊俦(彼辈,其类);伊拉(方言。他们) - (Also: "Yi Xing" (to her; them); "Yi Cao" (those people, them); "Yi Chou" (those of their kind); "Yi La" (dialect. They).)4. 表示第二人称,相当于“你” ([En.] you) - (Represents second person, equivalent to "you".) - 引用:1. 《世说新语》:勿学汝兄,汝兄自不如伊。 - (Quote: "Do not emulate your brother, he is not as good as you.") - 引用:2. 佚名《马陵道》:我这里吐胆倾心说与伊,难道你不解其中意。 - (Quote: "I am speaking to you openly here, don't you understand the meaning?") - 例:又如:伊咱(你);伊行(你这里;你们);伊家(你) - (Also: "Yi Zan" (you); "Yi Xing" (you here; you all); "Yi Jia" (you).)1. 表示判断,常与“匪”连用,相当于“却是”、“即是” ([En.] be) - (Indicates judgment, often used with "feib", equivalent to "is", "is indeed".) - 引用:1. 《诗·小雅·蓼莪》:匪莪伊蒿。 - (Quote: "Not (lettuce), but here is mugwort.") - 引用:2. 《后汉书》:昔卫鞅因景监以见,有识知其不终。今得臣举者,匪荣伊辱。 - (Quote: "In the past, Wei Yang saw a wise man who knew that he wouldn't last...")2. 语助词。用于句中,无义。 - (Modal particle. Used in sentences, has no meaning.) - 引用:1. 《仪礼》:旨酒既清,嘉荐伊脯。 - (Quote: "The wine is clear, and the good meat is recommended.")3. 发语词,无义。 - (Filler word, has no meaning.) - 例:如:伊何(为何,为什么);伊谁(谁,何人) - (Such as: "Yi He" (why); "Yi Shui" (who).)4. 通“繄”。是 ([En.] yes) - (Same as "ye". Yes.) - 引用:1. 《诗·豳风·东山》:不可畏也,伊可怀也。 笺: "伊,当作繄。" - (Quote: "It should not be feared, it can be cherished.")5. 引用:2. 《诗·邶风·雄雉》:我这怀矣,自诒伊阻。 - (Quote: "I have this longing, it greatly obstructs me.")1. 伊水 ([En.] Yi River)。伊河,在河南省西部,源出伏山,后入洛河。 - (Yi River. The Yi River is located in the western part of Henan province, originating from Fushan and later flowing into the Luo River.) - 例:如:伊川(伊水流域) - (Such as: "Yi Chuan" (the Yi River region).)2. 伊朗的简称 ([En.] Iran). - (Abbreviation for Iran.) - 例:如:两伊(伊朗、伊拉克)战争 - (Such as: "the Iran-Iraq War".)3. 伊拉克的简称 ([En.] Iraq). - (Abbreviation for Iraq.)

yī dá ěr gē


Nuò yī màn

Neumann (surname) / John von Neumann (1903-1957), Hungarian-born American mathematician and polymath

Dù yī sī bǎo

Duisburg city in the Ruhr 魯爾區|鲁尔区, Germany

yī ěr

Hill / Gill / Jil / Ihr / Ill / Iir / Gil

Yī sī lán


Yī lā kè


yī wàn


Zhā yī ěr


Yī lí

the Ili river basin around Turpan in Xinjiang / abbr. for 伊犁哈薩克自治州|伊犁哈萨克自治州[Yi1 li2 Ha1 sa4 ke4 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Ili Kazakh autonomous prefecture

yī wàn nuò fū


Sū yī shì Yùn hé

Suez Canal

Yī bǐ lì yà

Iberia / the Iberian peninsula

Yī sī tǎn bù ěr

Istanbul, Turkey

Xiū yī tè


Tè luò yī

ancient city of Troy

Fú luò yī dé

Floyd (name) / Freud (name) / Dr Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), the inventor of psychoanalysis

Yī lí Hé

Ili River in central Asia

liǎng yī

Liang Yi

Yī sī lán bǎo

Islamabad, capital of Pakistan

yī kè zhāo méng


yī lǎng rén


mǐ hā yī luò fū


yī lí dì qū

Yili area

yī lí hé gǔ

Yili River Valley

Yī lí Hā sà kè zì zhì zhōu

Ili Kazakh autonomous prefecture in Xinjiang

yī lí mǎ

yili horse

Yī diàn yuán

Garden of Eden

Mò yī xiè yē fū

Moiseyev (name) / Igor Aleksandrovich Moiseyev (1906-2007), choreographer of folk dance and founder of Moiseyev dance company

Yī lǎng


Yī ěr kù cí kè


Input Method for 伊








Four Corner




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  • 伊 stroke order

    伊 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 伊 Stroke Order Diagrams for 伊 Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 伊 Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "伊", learn the correct stroke order (笔

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