称 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 称
Stroke Order Diagrams for 称
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 称
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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "称" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "称" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Information of 称
Pinyinchēng、 chèn、 chèng
10 strokes
balanced / to fit / well-off / suitable, to call / to praise / to weigh / to estimate / to consider / to call / to address / to name / to say / commend, steelyard
称 稱 chēng 〈动〉 1. 测定重量 ([En.] weigh) - 例: 称物(衡量物之多少,轻重) - 引: 《楚辞·惜誓》:苦称量之不审兮。注:“称所以知轻重。” 2. 叫做;称呼;号称;把…说成 ([En.] call) - 例: 自称; 通称; 称作(叫做) - 引: 《战国策·秦策》:称帝而治。 3. 述说;声称 ([En.] say) - 例: 口称(口头上说); 宣称(声称) - 引: 《礼记·射义》:旄期称道不乱者。 4. 举起 ([En.] raise) - 例: 称觥(举杯祝酒) - 引: 《诗·豳风·七月》:称彼兕觥。 5. 称赞,赞扬 ([En.] praise) - 例: 称扬(称赞,赞许) - 引: 《左传·宣公十六年》:禹称善人,不善人远。 6. 举事,领兵造反 ([En.] start an uprising) - 例: 称乱(举兵作乱) - 引: 《书·汤誓》:敢行称乱。 7. 举荐 ([En.] recommend) - 例: 称贤(举用贤能) - 引: 《战国策·秦策》:繁称文辞,天下不治。 称 稱 chēng 〈名〉 1. 称呼。称谓 ([En.] title) - 例: 尊称; 敬称; 美称 2. 名称 ([En.] name) - 例: 俗称; 别称; 职称 适合 1. 适合:~心。~职。相~。匀~。对~。 称 稱 chèn 〈动〉 1. 符合,相当 ([En.] fit; match; suit) - 例: 对称; 相称; 称任(称职) - 引: 宋·王安石《伤仲永》:令作诗,不能称前时之闻。 2. 另见 chēng; chèng 称 稱 chèng 〈名〉 1. 同“秤”。(称为“稱”的简化字)测定物体轻重的器具,后作“秤” ([En.] steelyard) - 引: 《说文》:称,铨也。 - 例: 过称(用秤量) 2. 另见 chèn; chēng
to call / to address as / appellation
to be known as / to be nicknamed / to be purportedly / to claim (often exaggeratedly or falsely)
name (of a thing) / name (of an organization)
Ancient name
to click one's tongue in wonder (idiom) / to be astonished
loud shouts of applause
can be rated as / can be said to be
to make a false and unwarranted declaration
well proportioned / well shaped
to assert / to claim
to address sb deferentially / title / honorific
claim to be a king / proclaim oneself emperor
joint name / combined name
name / term of address / title
to jokingly call / jocular appellation
it is said / allegedly / according to reports / or so they say
also known as
to change a name / to rename
nickname / diminutive / term of endearment / to nickname
to be called / to be known as
intimate / call each other brothers
to bow before (idiom) / to capitulate
general term
to be abbreviated to / abbreviation / short form
to praise / to acclaim / to commend / to compliment
to call oneself / to claim to be / to profess / to claim a title
to be generally referred to (as) / generic term
to be widely known as
Input Method for 称
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters