霤 stroke order

霤 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 霤 Stroke Order Diagrams for 霤 Information of 霤 PinyinliRadical雨Strokes18 strokesUsage★★Definition 霤 [li] 1. 同“溜”。 1.1 Rainwater from the roof; running water from eaves. 1.2 Water flowing down. 1.3 Eave...

霤 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 霤

霤 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 霤

霤 Stroke Order Diagrams

Information of 霤




18 strokes




霤 [liù] 1. 同“溜”。 1.1 Rainwater from the roof; running water from eaves. 1.2 Water flowing down. 1.3 Eaves. 1.4 Eaves gutter; watershoot, referring to the long trough that collects water from the eaves. 1.5 Refers to the place where water drips from the eaves (eavesdrop). 1.6 Used to refer to a house. 引: 1. “说文”: 霤,屋下流也。 2. 潘岳《悼亡诗》: 晨霤承檐滴。 3. 潘岳《寡妇赋》: 霤冷冷以夜下兮。 例: 如: 檐霤(屋檐水); 晨霤(早晨的屋檐水)。 2. 向下流的水 ([En.] water flowing down). 引: 1. 《汉书·枚乘传》: 泰山之霤穿石。 2. 清· 方朝《开先寺观瀑布》: 悬霤空中注。 3. Eaves (屋檐). 例: 如: 霤水(屋檐水); 霤垂(屋檐下); 霤轩(殿堂前檐下的平台)。 4. Eaves gutter; watershoot, referring to the long trough that collects water from the eaves. 引: 1. 宋· 陆游《老学庵笔记》: 匿于人家霤槽中。 例: 如: 霤槽(即承霤)。 5. Refers to the place where water drips from the eaves (eavesdrop). 引: 1. 《仪礼·燕礼》: 设洗篚于祚阶东南,当东霤。 6. Used to refer to a house. 引: 1. 《楚辞·大招》: 南房小坛,观绝霤只。 动词: 1. To leave or enter secretly. 组词: “溜课”, “溜回家”。 例: 《红楼梦.第九七回》: “一面想着,已溜到里间屋子门口,偷偷儿的瞧。” 2. To slide or slip. 组词: “溜冰”, “溜滑梯”。

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  • 霤 stroke order

    霤 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 霤 Stroke Order Diagrams for 霤 Information of 霤 PinyinliRadical雨Strokes18 strokesUsage★★Definition 霤 [li] 1. 同“溜”。 1.1 Rainwater from the roof; running water from eaves. 1.2 Water flowing down. 1.3 Eave

    2024-11-16 23:25:01
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