揾 stroke order

揾 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 揾 Stroke Order Diagrams for 揾 Information of 揾 PinyinwnRadical扌Strokes12 strokesUsage★★Definition 揾 [wn] 1. 按,浸没。 - Press, immerse. - Example: “(张)旭饮酒辄草书,挥笔而大叫,以头~水墨中而书之。” (...

揾 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 揾

揾 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 揾

揾 Stroke Order Diagrams

Information of 揾




12 strokes




揾 [wèn] 1. 按,浸没。 - Press, immerse. - Example: “(张)旭饮酒辄草书,挥笔而大叫,以头~水墨中而书之。” ("When Zhang Xu drinks, he writes cursive with abandon, shouting loudly as he dips his head into the ink.") 2. 拭,擦。 - Wipe, rub. - Example: ~泪. ("Wipe away tears.") 3. 把东西按入水中 (En: immerse) - Meaning: To press something into the water. 4. 按,用手指按住 (En: press on) - Meaning: To press down with a finger. - Example: 如:揾在手掌里. ("For example: Pressing it in the palm of the hand.") 5. 贴住 (En: keep close to) - Meaning: To stick closely to. - Example: 《西游记》: (En: In Journey to the West) “猪八戒急转身,又跌了个嘴揾地.” ("Zhu Bajie hurriedly turned and fell again, landing face-first on the ground.") 6. 〈方〉∶挣,混 (En: earn) - Meaning: To earn or make a living. - Example: 如:揾钱(挣钱,赚钱);揾食(方言。谋生). ("For example: earning money; making a living (dialect).") 7. 揩拭 (En: wipe) - Meaning: To wipe or clean. - Example: 辛弃疾《水龙吟·登建康赏心亭》: “倩何人唤取,红巾翠袖,揾英雄泪?” ("Who calls for me, wearing a red scarf and green sleeves, to wipe the hero's tears?") - Another Example: 王实甫《苏小卿贩茶船》:“我这里按不住长吁,揾不下泪点.” ("I can't help but sigh and I cannot hold back the tears here.")

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  • 揾 stroke order

    揾 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 揾 Stroke Order Diagrams for 揾 Information of 揾 PinyinwnRadical扌Strokes12 strokesUsage★★Definition 揾 [wn] 1. 按,浸没。 - Press, immerse. - Example: “(张)旭饮酒辄草书,挥笔而大叫,以头~水墨中而书之。” (

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