攀 Stroke Order
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 攀
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Information of 攀
19 strokes
climb up / pull
攀 [pān] (Verb) 1. 抓住东西向上爬。 (To grab onto something and climb up.) 例如: 攀登 (to climb), 攀高 (to climb high), 攀越 (to climb over), 攀桂 (to attain a goal in imperial examinations), 攀折 (to climb and break off), 攀附 (to cling), 攀援 (to aid/climb). 2. 拉扯,拉拢,结交。 (To pull, draw in, or form connections.) 例如: 攀交 (to associate), 攀扯 (to pull), 攀谈 (to discuss), 攀亲 (to establish relations/kinship). 【本义】: 拉,牵 (Original Meaning: To pull, to draw) 【造字法】: 形声。从手,樊声。 (Character Construction: Pictophonetic; combines the radical for hand with a sound element.) 1. 同本义 ([En.] draw) 2. 攀援,指用握住或抓住某物的方法爬或登 ([En.] climb) 3. 指跟地位高的人结亲戚或拉关系;高攀 ([En.] seek connections in high places) 4. 攀比 ([En.] compare unrealistically) 5. 依附 ([En.] depend on) 6. 援引 ([En.] cite) 7. 牵涉;牵扯 ([En.] implicate; involve) 8. 追;赶 ([En.] pursue) 9. 摘取 ([En.] pick; pull down and break off) 引例: 1. 《广雅》:攀,引也。 (From "Guangya": To climb means to draw.) 2. 明·魏学洢《核舟记》:右手攀右趾。 (From "Record of the Core Boat" by Wei Xueyi: The right hand grabs the right toe.) 例如: 攀恋 (to cling to a vehicle and be reluctant to let go), 攀辕 (to hold onto the reins). 改进例子: 攀引 (to climb), 攀延 (to extend by holding onto something), 攀沿 (to climb along), 攀云 (to rise up like a cloud), 攀倚 (to lean on something for support), 攀进 (to move upward along). 引例: 1. 唐·罗隐《乌程》:两府攀陪十五年,郡中甘雨幕中莲。 (From "Wu Cheng" by Luo Yin: The two families have been connected for fifteen years, with sweet rain in the county.) 例如: 攀教 (to seek guidance from those of higher status), 攀风 (to associate with those of higher rank), 攀亲托熟 (to foster relationships with relatives and close friends). 引例: 1. 杜甫《戏为六绝句》:窃攀屈宋宜方驾,恐与齐梁作后尘。 (From Du Fu's "Six Verses": I secretly aspire to match Song Yifang's carriage, fearing to follow in the dust of Qi and Liang.) 例如: 攀引 (to unfavorably compare), 攀追 (to pursue an unrealistic comparison). 引例: 1. 《宋史·张逊传》:逊小心谨慎,徒以攀附至贵显。 (From "Song History": Xun was cautious, solely depending on sycophancy for prominence.) 例如: 攀依 (to depend), 攀陪 (to depend), 攀违 (to express humility regarding dependency), 攀鳞 (to succeed by badging favor with authority). 引例: 1. 《三国演义》:此人曾攀下王子服等四人,我已拿下廷尉。 (From "Romance of the Three Kingdoms": This person has implicated four, including the prince, while I have already captured the court official.) 例如: 攀指 (to implicate others), 攀染 (to deeply involve oneself), 攀连 (to spin tales against someone), 攀诬 (to implicate others through false testimony), 攀害 (to implicate through deceit). 引例: 1. 章炳麟《国故论衡·论式》:燕、许有作,方欲上攀秦、汉。 (From "Discussions on National History": Yan and Xu have deeds, intending to climb up to the heights of Qin and Han.) 引例: 1. 南朝梁·江淹《别赋》:攀桃李兮不忍别,送爱子兮沾罗裙。 (From "Farewell Rhyme" by Jiang Yan: I can't bear to part with the peach and plum, as I send my beloved child, leaving stains on my silk skirt.) 2. 白居易《白牡丹和钱学士作》:唐昌玉蕊花,攀玩众所争。 (From Bai Juyi: The splendid flowers of Tangchang, everyone fights to admire them.) 例如: 攀玩 (to pick for enjoyment), 攀搴 (to pick).
to clamber up / (of prices etc) to rise
to implicate
to climb up (a rope etc) / climbing (plant)
to make invidious comparisons / to compete with / to emulate
to climb / to pull oneself up / to clamber / to scale / fig. to forge ahead in the face of hardships and danger
to chat
kapok (tree)
climb / clamber / climb the social ladder through pull
to climb
too high to reach (idiom); eminent and unapproachable
rock climbing / to climb a rockface
Panzhihua prefecture level city in south Sichuan, bordering Yunnan, famous for steel production and pollution
to climb (of climbing plants) / to creep / to cling on to / fig. to seek connection (with the rich and powerful) / social climbing
to seek to profit by family ties
to climb over / to get over (difficulties) / to scale / to surmount
see 扳龍附鳳|扳龙附凤[ban1 long2 fu4 feng4]
Climb high
Mountain climbing
scale / climb
to snap off (flowers, leaves, twigs etc from a tree or shrub)
Input Method for 攀
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters