鍺 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 鍺
Stroke Order Diagrams for 鍺
Information of 鍺
Pinyinduǒ、 dǔ、 zhù、 zhě
16 strokes
鍺: 1. 車鐗。車軸上的鐵條。 (Car axle: A bar of iron on the axle of a vehicle.)2. 同“堵”。阮元。 (Same as "堵" (block). Referencing Yuan Yuan.)3. 同“堵”。阮元《積古齋鐘鼎彝器款識》:“,堵之異文。懸鐘磬半為堵。”《漢語大字典》按:“金文或從,或從金。取義於樂懸,所以從金。” (Same as "堵" (block). In the inscription of the ancient bronze vessel by Yuan Yuan: “Different form of block. Suspended bells and chimes are partly blocks.” According to the "Chinese Great Dictionary": "Bronze inscriptions can derive from this character, or from gold. The meaning comes from music hanging, hence it is related to gold.")4. 同“鑄”。楚簡“鑄”異體字。 (Same as "鑄" (to cast). A variant of the character.)5. 一種金屬元素,符號Ge,原子序數32。灰白色結晶,質脆,是重要的半導體材料。 (A type of metallic element, symbol Ge, atomic number 32. A gray-white crystalline substance, brittle in nature, and is an important semiconductor material.)
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters