騃 stroke order

騃 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 騃 Stroke Order Diagrams for 騃 Information of 騃 PinyinsRadical馬Strokes17 strokesUsage★★Definition 騃 Pronunciation: [i] Part of Speech: Adjective Original Meaning: The appearance of a horse moving vigorously....

騃 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 騃

騃 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 騃

騃 Stroke Order Diagrams

Information of 騃




17 strokes




騃 Pronunciation: [ái] Part of Speech: Adjective Original Meaning: The appearance of a horse moving vigorously. Character Formation: Pictophonetic; composed of the component for horse (马) and the sound component (矣) which indicates the pronunciation (sì). 1. A borrowed term for "佁" meaning foolish or ignorant. (En. stupid) Example: 騃, 痴 也。——《广雅》 (Translation: "騃 means foolishness." - Guǎngyǎ) Example: 騃, 无知之貌。——《苍颉篇》 (Translation: "騃 means the appearance of ignorance." - Cāngjié Piān) Example: 内实騃, 不晓政事。——《汉书·息夫躬传》 (Translation: "Internally ignorant, not understanding political affairs." - Hànshū) 2. Stupid or slow-witted; lacking understanding of matters. (En. idiotic) Example: 仆虽騃, 亦粗知自爱。——唐· 韩愈《答刘秀才论史书》 (Translation: "Although I am foolish, I still roughly know how to take care of myself." - Táng, Hán Yǔ) Example: 騃子 (foolish person); 騃冶 (lovely and foolish beauty). Additional Notes: -傻;痴呆的样子。 (Translation: silly; an appearance of foolishness.) Example: 嘉本典虞騃…其容止举动, 甚蚩騃,语辄自谓“侯身”,时人以为笑。——《三国志·明悼毛皇后传》 (Translation: "Mingdào said that the mannerisms and actions of the foolish were quite foolish, often self-identifying as 'the noble body', which made people laugh." - Sān Guó Zhì) Example: 痴牛与騃女, 不肯勤农桑。——唐· 卢仝《月蚀》 (Translation: "The foolish ox and the dull girl were unwilling to work diligently on the farms." - Táng, Lú Tóng)

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  • 騃 stroke order

    騃 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 騃 Stroke Order Diagrams for 騃 Information of 騃 PinyinsRadical馬Strokes17 strokesUsage★★Definition 騃 Pronunciation: [i] Part of Speech: Adjective Original Meaning: The appearance of a horse moving vigorously.

    2024-11-17 06:20:01
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