蟳 stroke order

蟳 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 蟳 Stroke Order Diagrams for 蟳 Information of 蟳 PinyinxnRadical虫Strokes18 strokesUsage★★Definition 蟳 (xn)1. A type of sea crab known as "大海蟹" or "蝤蛑," characterized by strong and asymmetrical claws. The...

蟳 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 蟳

蟳 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 蟳

蟳 Stroke Order Diagrams

Information of 蟳




18 strokes




蟳 (xún)1. A type of sea crab known as "大海蟹" or "蝤蛑," characterized by strong and asymmetrical claws. The fourth pair of legs is paddle-like, suited for swimming. The common Japanese crab is one of the main edible crabs.2. Noun, animal name. Phylum: Arthropoda; Class: Malacostraca; Order: Decapoda. The carapace is wide and oval-shaped, with a raised surface. The anterior edge has six sharp teeth on each side. The claws are powerful, and each segment of the legs has setae on both the dorsal and ventral edges. The fourth pair of legs is flattened like a paddle, suitable for swimming. The abdomen is densely covered with soft hairs. It inhabits shallow sea bottoms with aquatic plants and muddy sediments or hides under rocks. It is distributed in South Korea, Japan, and coastal areas of China. It is edible.

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  • 蟳 stroke order

    蟳 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 蟳 Stroke Order Diagrams for 蟳 Information of 蟳 PinyinxnRadical虫Strokes18 strokesUsage★★Definition 蟳 (xn)1. A type of sea crab known as "大海蟹" or "蝤蛑," characterized by strong and asymmetrical claws. The

    2024-11-17 08:35:01
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