帨 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 帨
Stroke Order Diagrams for 帨
Information of 帨
10 strokes
帨 [shuì] 名词 1. 佩巾 (woman's shawl). In ancient times, this was a shawl given to women by their mothers when they got married. It was used for wiping unclean things. At home, it would hang on the right of the door, and when going out, it would be tied on the left side. Consequently, the woman's birthday came to be called 帨辰 (birth date associated with the shawl). 2. Example: “无感(撼)我~兮。” (No feelings can shake me with this shawl.) 3. 用巾擦手 (to wipe hands with a cloth): “皇帝~手取觯。” (The emperor wipes his hands to take the goblet.) 4. 蒙,覆盖 (to cover): A general meaning of to cover or envelop. 动词 1. 拭擦 (sweep; wipe): Refers to the action of wiping. Example: 帨手 (to wipe hands). 2. 蒙,覆盖 (to cover): Another meaning referring to covering something. 引文 1. 清· 张岱《陶庵梦忆》: “帨以文锦,一灯三之。” (The shawl is made of embroidered silk, one light illuminates three changes.)
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