止 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 止
Stroke Order Diagrams for 止
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 止
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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "止" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Information of 止
4 strokes
to stop / toe
止 [zhǐ] 名词 (Noun) 1. 停住不动:to stop and not move 2. 古同“趾”,脚;脚趾头:the ancient form meaning "toe" 动词 (Verb) 1. 停住,中断进程 ([En.] halt; stop): to halt, to stop the process 2. 阻止,不让进行 ([En.] prevent): to prevent, to stop from happening 3. 驻守 ([En.] be stationed): to be stationed 4. 居住 ([En.] dwell): to dwell, to reside 5. 停留,逗留 ([En.] stay): to stay, to linger 副词 (Adverb) 1. 仅;只 ([En.] only): only, just Usage: 在句末可表肯定陈述语气,相当于“呢”:can indicate a positive statement at the end of a sentence, equivalent to "ne." 引文 (References) 1. 《说文》:止,下基也。象草木出有址,故以止为足: "Zhi, the base below. It symbolizes plants having roots, hence Zhi means foot." 2. 《仪礼·士昏礼》:北止。注:“足也。”"To the north, stopping. Note: 'foot'." 3. 《易·噬嗑》:屦校灭止。 4. 《汉书·五行志》:举止高。 5. 《汉书·食货志》:四之日举止。 6. 《汉书·刑法志》:当劓者,笞三百,当斩左止者,笞五百。 Examples: - 停住不动: 止步 (to stop), 截止 (to halt) - 拦阻,使停住: 禁止 (to prohibit), 停止痛苦 (to stop pain) - 仅,只: 只拥有此数 (only have this number) - 古同“趾”: 脚趾 (toe) Additional meanings include phrases like: - 止泻 (to stop diarrhea), 止怒 (to quell anger), and 止宿 (to halt for lodging).
to suppress coughing
(idiom) to gasp in amazement / to acclaim as the peak of perfection
to want to say sth but then hesitate
to dabble and stop (idiom); to dip into / to attempt half-heartedly / content with a smattering of knowledge
to continue despite repeated prohibition (idiom)
not only / far from / more than
to repeal (a law) / to put an end to / abolition / annulled
dissuade / disadvise
to close / to stop / to put a stop to sth / cut-off point / stopping point / deadline
with a grunting sound it stops (idiom); to come to an end spontaneously (esp. of sound)
to supress / to restrain
to prevent / to guard against / to take precautions
to prohibit / to forbid / to ban
to prevent / to block
until / (used in combination with words like 到[dao4] or 至[zhi4] in constructs of the form 到...為止|到...为止)
to curb / to put a stop to / to stop / to check / to limit
to stop / to terminate (law)
incessantly / without end / more than / not limited to
to staunch (bleeding) / hemostatic (drug)
halt / desist / stop / bring to a stop
still / immobile / static / stationary
to cease / to suspend / to break off / to stop / to discontinue
far more than / not just
Can't stop
to relieve pain / to stop pain / analgesic
antidiarrheal / Zhixie / antidiarrheic
Antidiarrheal / antidiarrheic
quench one's thirst
lit. drinking poison in the hope of quenching one's thirst (idiom) / fig. a supposed remedy that only makes matters worse
lit. to quench one's thirst by thinking of plums (idiom) / fig. to console oneself with illusions
Input Method for 止
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters