晅 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 晅
Stroke Order Diagrams for 晅
Information of 晅
10 strokes
晅 [xuān] 1. Sunlight. 2. Brightness. 3. To dry in the sun. 晅 [xuān] (verb) 1. To dry in the sun ([En.] dry in the sun). 2. See also xuǎn. 晅 [xuān] (adjective) 1. Exposed to the sun; to dry out. The same as “烜” ([En.] solarize). 2. Noun. The halo of the sun ([En.] halo). 3. See also xuān. 晅 [xuān] (verb) 1. To dry in the sun ([En.] dry in the sun). 引: 1. "In rain it is moistened, in sun it is dried" — from the "I Ching: Explanation of the Trigrams". Example: 晅耀 (to shine). 2. See also xuǎn. 晅 [xuān] (adjective) 1. Exposed to the sun; to dry out. The same as “烜” ([En.] solarize). 引: 1. "In rain it is moistened, in sun it is dried" — from the "I Ching: Explanation of the Trigrams". 2. Noun. The halo of the sun ([En.] halo). 引: 1. "晅, the aura of the sun" — from "Jiyun". 3. See also xuān. 晅 [xuān] 1. The aura around the sun. 2. Brightness. 3. Dryness. 晅 [xuān] (adjective) To expose to the sun; to dry out. The same as “烜”. "In rain it is moistened, in sun it is dried." — "I Ching: Explanation of the Trigrams" Noun. The halo of the sun. "晅, the aura of the sun." — "Jiyun". See also xuān. 晅 [xuān] (adjective) To expose to the sun; to dry out. The same as “烜”. "In rain it is moistened, in sun it is dried." — "I Ching: Explanation of the Trigrams" Noun. The halo of the sun. "晅, the aura of the sun." — "Jiyun". See also xuān.
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