費 Stroke Order
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Information of 費
12 strokes
to cost / to spend / fee / wasteful / expenses / (surname)
費 fèi 1. 花費錢財。 Cost money; to spend. 2. 消耗;损耗。 Consume; waste; lose. 3. 財用;費用。 Financial resources; expenses. 4. 言辭煩瑣。 Verbally verbose or cumbersome; loquacious. 5. 光亮貌。 Bright appearance. 6. 古地名。春秋時魯大夫費庈父食邑,在今山東省魚台縣西南。 Ancient place name; in the Spring and Autumn period, the food fief of the Lord Fei Qifu was located in the southwest of present-day Yutai County, Shandong Province. 7. 姓。 A surname. 費 fèi 【動】 本义: 花費 Original meaning: To spend money. 造字法: 形聲。从貝,弗聲。从“貝”表示與錢財有關。 Character formation: Phono-semantic compound; the top component signifies wealth (貝) and the bottom component provides the pronunciation (弗). 1. 同本義 Same original meaning: Cost; spend; expend. 引: 1. 《說文》: 費,散財用也。 "Costs are used to expend wealth." 2. 《廣雅》: 費,耗也。 "Costs lead to waste." 3. 《呂氏春秋·安死》: 非愛其費也。注:“財也。” "Not for the love of the cost." (Note: "cost" refers to wealth.) 4. 《論語·堯曰》: 君子惠而不費。 "The gentleman is benevolent but does not waste." 5. 《商君書·墾令》: 上不費粟,民不慢農。 "If the upper class does not waste grains, the people will not neglect farming." 例: 又如: 費耗(費用); 費鈔(花費錢鈔); 費鈔費貫(耗貫錢財); 費出(花費,支出). 2. 耗損 Consume; waste; lose. 引: 1. 《呂氏春秋·禁塞》: 費神傷魂。 "To waste the spirit and hurt the soul." 2. 《墨子·所染》: 傷形費神。 "Hurt the body and consume the spirit." 3. 《韓非子·外儲說左上》: 用咫尺之木,不費一朝之事。 "Using a small piece of wood, one does not waste a matter of a day." 例: 又如: 費眼(耗損眼力); 費講(費脣舌;難以說解); 費想(費心,勞神); 費損(耗費,耗損). 3. 浪費 Lavish; spend; squander. 引: 1. 《管子·八觀》: 國侈則用費,用費則民貧。 "If a nation is extravagant, it will consume wealth, leading the people to poverty." 例: 如: 費資(揮霍錢財); 費設(在供設方面花費多); 費捐(耗費). 4. 通“拂”. Transgress; violate; infringe. 引: 1. 《禮記·中庸》: 君子之道費而隱。 "The gentleman's way is to go against the path and hide." 例: 又如: 費民(違背民意,違逆民心). 費 fèi 【名】 1. 錢財; 費用 Wealth; expenses. 引: 1. 漢·賈誼《過秦論》: 秦無亡矢遺鏃之費。 "Qin has no expenditures on lost arrows and forgotten darts." 2. 清·方苞《獄中雜記》: 求脫械居監外板屋費亦數十金。 "The expenses for seeking to be freed and live outside the prison also sum to many gold pieces." 3. 《紅樓夢》: 老爺斷一千也可,五百也可,與馮家作燒埋之費。 "The master decides whether it's 1,000 or 500, as expenses for burning and burying with the Feng family." 例: 又如: 道路通行費; 報名費; 學費; 手續費; 診費. 2. 古地名 Ancient place name; Fei town located in the southwest of present-day Yutai County, Shandong Province. 3. 通“悖”. Mistake; error. 引: 1. 《墨子·魯問》: 戰而死,而子慍,而猶欲糶,糴仇則慍也,豈不費哉? "To die in war, yet the son is resentful, and still desires to purchase and collect debts—does this not incur a mistake?" 例: 又如: 口費(因說話不當發生的錯誤). 費 fèi 【形】 語句多餘,言辭煩瑣 Excessive use of words; verbose; loquacious. 引: 1. 《禮記·曲禮上》: 不辭費。 "Do not use excessive words." 例: 又如: 費名(多餘無用的文句); 費辭(多費言詞;饒舌); 費言(多餘的話). 通“拂”。違背;乖戾。 Transgress; violate; be contrary. 通“拂”。違背;乖戾。 Transgress; violate; be contrary. 同“鄪”。 Same as 鄪. 同“鄪”。 Same as 鄪.
food expenses / board expenses / meals (cost)
Input Method for 費
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters