帊 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 帊
Stroke Order Diagrams for 帊
Information of 帊
7 strokes
帊 [pà] 名 1 布三幅之稱。布單。 (A term for three pieces of cloth. Cloth sheet.)2 頭巾。 (Headscarf; kerchief.)3 道士所披之衣。形類僧人袈裟。 (The robe worn by Taoist priests, somewhat similar to a monk's kasaya.)4 覆蓋物品的巾。 (A piece of cloth used to cover objects.)5 帳子。 (Tent; canopy.)6 手帕。 (Handkerchief.) 引 1 《说文新附》:帊,帛三幅曰帊。 郑珍新附考:“三者二之误”。 (From the "Shuowen Xinfu": "帊" refers to three pieces of silk termed "帊." Zheng Zhen's notes indicate: "the error between two of the three.") 如:帊头(幞头) (For example:帊頭 - the headscarf.) 引 1 《三国志·魏志》:棋者不信,以帊盖局,使更以他局为之。 (From "Records of the Three Kingdoms, Wei": "The chess player, suspecting foul play, covered the game with帊, making another game in its place.") 引 1 《南史·隐逸传上》:见其散发被黄巾帊。 (From "History of the Southern Dynasties": "Saw him with his hair flowing, covered by a yellow 帊.") 引 1 《太平广记》:以黄纹帊蔽之。 (From "Taiping Guangji": "Covered it with a yellow patterned 帊.") 殘帛。 (Remnant silk.) 引 1 《集韻•麻韻》:“帊,殘帛。” (From "Jiyun": "帊" refers to remnant silk.)
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