瓫 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 瓫
Stroke Order Diagrams for 瓫
Information of 瓫
8 strokes
瓫 (Tán)1. Ancient form of "盆" (pén), which means basin or bowl. 古同“盆”。 2. An ancient term for "湓" (pén), meaning water overflowing. 古通“湓”,水溢出。 3. A heavy and muddy sound or noise. 重浊的声气。 4. A surname. 姓。 Additional Notes: - A "盆" (pén) is typically round, with a larger mouth and smaller bottom, deeper than a plate. The explanation "盆,盎也" from "说文" is a clear misinterpretation. - A vessel for holding items or for washing. - Examples include:- 炭盆 (tán pén) - fire basin for burning charcoal- 脸盆 (liǎn pén) - wash basin- 大铜盆 (dà tóng pén) - a shallow, wide container, usually round- 盆吊 (pén diào) - a brutal execution method involving hanging prisoners upside down- 盆冤 (pén yuān) - a metaphor for being wrongfully accused- 盆口精熟 (pén kǒu jīng shú) - expert in gambling techniques - In ancient times, it was a measuring tool with a capacity of twelve dou and eight sheng in the old system.古代量器。容量为古制十二斗八升。 - It was also an ancient cooking utensil.古炊器。 - The unit of measurement for the volume of what a basin can hold was set at twelve dou and eight sheng in ancient standards.古代计算量盆所盛数量的单位,古制十二斗八升为一盆。
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters