退 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 退
Stroke Order Diagrams for 退
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 退
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Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 退
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "退" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "退" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Information of 退
9 strokes
retreat / to decline / to move back / to withdraw
退 [tuì]动本义: 向后走,后退造字法: 会意。小篆字形。从彳,从日,从攵。彳( chì),小步。攵( suī),足的反写。1. 同本义 (En. retreat; move back): 退步 [retreat step]; 退路 [retreat path]; 退却 [retreat]; 退让 [yield]; 倒退 [regress].2. 离开,辞去 (En. leave; resign): 退席 [leave the seat]; 退伍 [resign from military]; 退职 [resign from post]; 退休 [retire]; 引退 [step back].3. 送还,不接受,撤销 (En. return): 退还 [return].4. 脱落 (En. fall; drop): 退色 [fade]; 退毛 [lose hair]; 减退 [diminish].5. 和柔的样子 (En. gentle appearance): 退然 [modest].6. 迟缓,畏缩 (En. fear; shrink): “求也退” [to ask and retreat].7. 退却; 打退 (En. flinch; hang back; retreat): 往后退 [move back]; 退敌 [repel the enemy]; 退败 [retreat and fail]; 退远 [repel and distance].8. 引申为减退; 下降 (En. decline; fade; go down): 退财 [financial decline]; 退烧 [reduce fever]; 退潮 [ebb].9. 退还 (En. return): 退钱 [refund]; 退款 [refund money].10. 辞去官职; 退隐 (En. resign; retire): 退听谢事 [abandon power]; 退休 [retire].11. 离去,退出 (En. walk out; leave): 退值 [end of shift]; 退伍 [leave military].12. 谦让 (En. modestly decline): 退让 [retreat politely].13. 懦弱,畏缩 (En. fear; shrink): 退懦 [cowardice]; 退惰 [sluggish retreat].14. 除下,脱落 (En. fall; drop): 退磨 [rub off]; 退笔 [drop pen].15. 改悔 (En. repent): 退辈 [reflect and repent].16. 脱去 (En. take off): 解下腰上的宽皮带,退下鞋子 [take off the belt and shoes].17. 返回,归 (En. return): 退而甘食其土之有 [return to thrive].名天文学上称天体自东向西运行为“退” (En. regression). 引: 宋· 沈括《梦溪笔谈》: 交道每月退一度余,凡二百四十九交而一期。
to retreat / to shrink back
to retire from the military, sport etc / to demobilize / to decommission / retired from use
to ebb / to go down / to decline
to retreat
to dismiss (from a post) / to expel from school / to order away (servants etc)
to fall back / to go in reverse
beat a precipitate retreat / retreat in disorder / retreat as a result of defeat
to be discharged from military service
to retire / retirement (from work)
retirement pay / pension
to shrink back / to cower
restoring agricultural land to forest
Fight and retreat
to decline / to fall / to drop / to falter / a decline / recession (in economics)
to move aside / to get out of the way / to back down / to concede
to retreat in defeat
to retreat again and again in defeat / to suffer defeat after defeat
give up ill-gotten gains / disgorge ill-gotten gains / surrender ill-gotten gains
restitute / pay compensation
to withdraw / to abort / to quit / to log out (computing)
to dismiss / to discharge / to fire
to return (sth borrowed etc) / to send back / to refund / to rebate
to recoil / to draw back / to fall back / to retreat
to beat back / to repel
to degenerate / atrophy
to return (an item) / to send back / to go back
back / step back / give back / fall behind
Input Method for 退
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters