斮 stroke order

斮 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 斮 Stroke Order Diagrams for 斮 Information of 斮 PinyinzhuRadical斤Strokes12 strokesUsage★★Definition 斮: 1. 古同“斫”,斩断。 - (Ancient same as "斫", to cut off.) 2. 斩;砍 - ([En.] chop off) 3. 击;打 - ([En....

斮 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 斮

斮 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 斮

斮 Stroke Order Diagrams

Information of 斮




12 strokes




斮: 1. 古同“斫”,斩断。 - (Ancient same as "斫", to cut off.) 2. 斩;砍 - ([En.] chop off) 3. 击;打 - ([En.] strike; beat) 薛综注: “斮,击也。” - (Xue Zong notes: "斮 means to strike.")引: 1. 《说文》: 斮,斩也。从斤,昔声。衺斩曰斫,正斩曰斮。 - ([Note] "说文" states: 斮 means to cut off. It is composed of the radical for axe (斤) and an ancient phonetic element. Cutting off is called 斫, while proper cutting is called 斮.) 2. 《尔雅》: 鱼曰斮之。 - (In "尔雅": Fish is referred to as 斮.) 3. 扬雄《羽猎赋》: 斮巨狿。 - (In Yang Xiong's "羽猎赋": To cut off the giant beast.) 4. 《书·泰誓下》: 斮朝涉之胫。 - (In "书·泰誓下": To cut off the legs of the people who cross in the morning.) 5. 《水经注·济水》: 纣乃于此斮胫而视体也。 - (In "水经注·济水": Zhou cut off the leg and examined the body here.) 6. 《公羊传·成公二年》: 郤克曰:“欺三军者,其法奈何?”曰:“法斮。”于是斮逢丑父。 - (In "公羊传·成公二年": Xie Ke asked: "What is the punishment for deceiving the three armies?" He replied: "The punishment is斮." So, he cut off the leg of the person who was deceived.) 例: - 又如: 斮涉(谓斩断冬月涉水者的胫骨); 斮趾(砍断脚趾。谓暴虐滥刑); 斮胫(斩断胫骨) - (Examples: 斮涉 means to cut off the leg of those who wade through water in winter; 斮趾 means to chop off toes, referring to brutal punishment; 斮胫 means to cut off the shin bone.)

Same Pronunciation Characters


Same Radical Characters


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  • 斮 stroke order

    斮 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 斮 Stroke Order Diagrams for 斮 Information of 斮 PinyinzhuRadical斤Strokes12 strokesUsage★★Definition 斮: 1. 古同“斫”,斩断。 - (Ancient same as "斫", to cut off.) 2. 斩;砍 - ([En.] chop off) 3. 击;打 - ([En.

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