圃 Stroke Order
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Information of 圃
10 strokes
garden / orchard
圃 [pǔ] 名词1. 种植菜蔬、花草、瓜果的园子。 (An orchard or garden for planting vegetables, flowers, and fruits.) 示例:菜圃、花圃、苗圃 (Vegetable garden, flower garden, seedling garden)2. 指种植园圃的人。 (Refers to a person who cultivates a garden.) 示例:“吾不如老圃”。 (I am not as good as the old gardener.)本义:种植果木瓜菜的园地,周围常无垣篱。 (Original meaning: A garden for planting fruits and vegetables, usually surrounded by no fences.) 形声:从囗,甫声。囗( wéi),围的古体字。 (Phonetic and semantic construction: character is formed by the elements indicating an area.) 同本义 ([En.] orchard; garden) 引文: 1. 《说文》:圃,种菜曰圃。 (Shuowen: A garden is referred to as '圃' when vegetables are planted.) 2. 《周礼·太宰》:二曰园圃毓草木。 (In "Zhou Li": There are gardens and orchards that nurture plants.) 3. 《诗·豳风·七月》:九月筑场圃。 (In Poetry: In September, a garden is established.) 4. 《国语·周语》:薮有圃草。 (In the "Guo Yu": There are gardens in the marsh.) 5. 《周礼·职方》:其泽薮曰圃田。 (In "Zhou Li": Areas of marsh will be known as garden fields.) 6. 唐·孟浩然《过故人庄》:开轩面场圃,把酒话桑麻。 (Tang: Meng Haoran's poem reflecting on visiting a friend's country home and sharing wine in the garden.) 7. 宋·欧阳修《归田录》:尝射于家圃(场地)。 (Song: Ouyang Xiu refers to shooting in his home garden.)例:如花圃(种花草的园地)、园圃(种蔬菜花果、树木的场所)、苗圃、圃畦(种蔬菜花果的园畦)、圃田。 (Examples: A flower garden, a vegetable garden, a seedling garden, a gardening plot, a field for planting fruits and vegetables.)2. 帝王贵族游乐观赏的地方。 (A place for emperors and nobles to amuse and appreciate beauty.) 引文: 1. 《韩非子·外储说右下》:赵王游于圃中。 (In Han Feizi: King Zhao enjoys himself in the garden.) 3. 比喻某些事物丛集之处。 (Metaphorically, a place where certain things are gathered together.) 示例:如文圃、图书之圃。 (Examples: A garden of literature, a garden of books.)4. 种菜。亦指种菜的人。 (To grow vegetables, also referring to the person who grows them.) 引文: 1. 明·马中锡《中山狼传》:我杏也,往年老圃种我时,费一核耳。 (Ming: This refers to an experience with the old gardener.) 2. 唐·柳宗元《非国语·三川震》:是(这)特(只是)老妇老圃者之为也。 (Tang: Referring to the old gardener’s work.) 3. 《论语·子路》:吾不如老圃。 (In "Analects": I am not as good as the old gardener.) 形容词 1. 繁茂,茂盛。 (Luxuriant, abundant.) 示例:如圃草(茂盛之草)。 (Example: Abundant grass.) 2. 通“甫”。大。 (Similar to “甫,” meaning large.) 引文: 1. 《国语·周语中》:薮有圃草,囿有林池。 (In "Guo Yu": There is abundant grass in the marsh, and there are forests and ponds in the parks.)
garden plot
Input Method for 圃
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters